Happy Birthday!

454 16 13

(YN)'s POV

I was awoken by the sound of cheering in my ear. When I opened up my eyes I saw my family gathered before me and they were singing "Happy Birthday."

"Happy birthday, (YN)," Lacey stated, hugging me.

"Happy birthday!" Lizzie and Joel repeated.

'Aww, thanks you guys!" I acknowledged.

"We also have a surprise. We're having a formal party for you!" Lacey told me with a huge grin smeared across her face.

"Formal as in pretty dresses and tuxes, right?" I questioned pulling off my sheets.

"Yep!" my mum answered.

"Who's coming?" I asked picking up a  black shirt that had the word "Psycho" laid on it and my jeans that were ripped with a tint of blue.

"Joey, Yasmin, Kyle, Daniel, Aunt Maddie,  and a lot more people," Lizzie clarified while I was getting dressed behind my white folding screen.

"Wait! I'm going to meet the Joey Graceffa!" I squealed as I moved from my folding screen, properly dressed.

"Yep!" Lacey confirmed, with that smile still on her face.

"Where is it going to be?" I asked slipping on my black combat boots.

"That's going to be a surprise," Joel replied when I caked the outside of my eyes with my black eyeliner.

"Okay, then," I slowly responded.

"Where's Buddy and Meri going to be?" I inquired.

"They're going to stay home for now," Lizzie answered looking at my outfit, head to toe.

"Well, um, what time is the party?" I interrogated.

"Around 8:30," Joel replied.

"Kay. Also, thanks again," I acknowledged them, pulling them into a hug.

"So, do you guys have your outfits, dad, mum?" Lacey asked, breaking the embrace.

"Of course, we do. That reminds me, do you girls have your outfits?" Lizzie beckoned.

"Right," I said strolling towards my walk-in closet.

"I already have mine, but I'll help (YN)," Lacey answered.

"Okay, and don't wear a dress that shows a lot of skin please," Joel told us.

"I know, dad," Lacey and I responded, looking at my evening gowns.

"So, what should I wear?" I asked Lacey, moving through my dresses.

"Oooh, how about this one," Lacey suggested holding up a mint green dress with a flower crochet.

"I don't like the flower crochet," I answered for a dress that'll meet my liking.

"How about this vintage flare dress?" Lacey asked holding it.

"I don't like the flare," I answered still searching for a dress I'll like.

"Then why did you buy these?" Lacey questioned.

"I didn't buy them. Remember Miss. Blackwood? Well, she bought me those. I mean I liked them back then, but I don't like them now. Well, I like them, but I don't ant to wear them for this occasion," I explained towards Lace.

"Mmmhmm," Lace answered, partly ignoring me and mostly trying to find a dress that I'll like.

"This one is really cute!" Lace requested holding a pastel blue asymmetrical evening gown. 

"I love it! It'll look great with these pastel, heeled, booties!" I gasped.

"So, we're done picking your outfit, right?" Lacey asked laying the dress and shoes on my bed.

"Well, kind of. I want to wear a few accessories." I responded.

"Okay, then. I'll get your breakfast since you've haven't eaten yet." Lacey offered.

"Thanks," I replied rummaging through my jewelry box. I found my diamond choker, bow pave twisted ring, and black gold triangular earrings.

By the time Lace got back I had my earring on, my choker wrapped around my neck, and my ring bundled around my finger. I found my red lipstick and carefully put it on my lips. Once, I was satisfied with my look I washed off my make up and took off my jewelry.

"Got your breakfast!" Lace announced as she was walking in my room.

"Thanks. Did you already get yours?" I inquired grabbing my plate and walking to my laptop.

"Of course I did. What are you watching?" Lace asked taking a seat next to me.

"One of mum's videos." I answered, clicking on a random one.

"Oh, okay," Lace mentioned with her mouth full.

~Time Skip~

"Lace, you ready yet?" I asked still trying to fix my chignon.

"Almost! I just need to put on my makeup!" Lace yelled from her room.

I fixed my eyelash extensions, grabbed my polaroid camera, and pastel blue clutch and headed out to the living room. There Lizzie and Joel were waiting for me.

"You look so beautiful!"Lizzie complemented me.

"Thanks," I replied, blushing.

"So, you guys ready?" Lace questioned walking in the living room wearing a pink chiffon dress with white stilettos.

"All of you guys look so nice, well, compared to me," I said.

"Yeah, let's go," Joel stated heading outside, with us following.

5 minutes later (In Spongebob voice)

I walked inside the gigantic room taking it all in. There was a chandelier, photo booth, fairy lights, and a stage.

"Hey Lizard," a familiar voice spoke.

"Hey Joey!" mum greeted pulling the youtuber into a hug.

"So are these your daughters?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, this is Lacey and this is (YN)." mum introduced.

"Hi, I'm Lacey and I'm a huge fan of your channel. She is too," Lace said, her voice full of excitement.

"I'm (YN). It's a pleasure to meet you," I greeted holding out my hand and he took it.

"Have you seen Yasmin?" mum asked.

"No, not yet. But she should be on her way," Joey replied.

"Okay, thanks," Lizzie responded.

"So, how old are you girls?" Joey asked us.

"Um, I'm turning (age you're going to be) and Lace's 16." I answered.

"Okay," Joey replied.

~Time skip to birthday cake~

After they sang the happy birthday song I blew out my candles, making my wish. It was already 12 am and I was getting tired. 

"So, what'd you wish for?" Lizzie asked me

"If I tell you, it won't come true," I lazily smiled.

I quickly took a photo of the cake and of the party. When everyone was ready I took a group picture. No one knew what I wished for but me and I wished that everything would stay the same. Same loving parents, same best friend/sister Lacey, same great life.

I hope you guys enjoyed the story and I'm sorry I have't been updating for awhile. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if you did please vote and comment. BYE!


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