Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Kate's POV

"Kate, this is Dally," Ponyboy said as he gestured towards the boy in front of me. "Dally, this is Kate, a girl we met at school. She just moved here from New York City."

"Hi," I smiled, holding out my hand for him to shake.

"I don't do hand shakes," he said in a heavy New York accent, and I brought my hand back to my side, embarrassed.

"Okay then," I rolled my eyes, annoyed with his rude comment. I sure wasn't gonna let some boy I just met get under my skin.

"Well looks like we got us a little smart one here," he smirked, "you know, if you keep rolling your eyes like that, they might fall out."

"Well maybe if you keep being cocky and rude, your balls might just fall off," I bit back.

He seemed surprised at the comment. "Y'know, I would think a girl like you would have more class than that. The least you could do is have the decency to say scrotum."

"Well I didn't think you would understand me if I did," I smirked, and our conversation was soon cut off by Pony.

"Okay sooo Kate, you wanna maybe go to the park and hang out?" Ponyboy asked awkwardly, trying to relieve the tension between Dally and I.

"Sure, as long as he ain't goin'," I said, glaring daggers at Dally.

"Ooh, that hurt so much. Ya really got me in the heart there, babe," Dally said, laughing.

"Don't call me babe," I snarled.

"Whatever you say, babe," Dally winked.

I scoffed at that, and made my way towards the door. As I was leaving, I heard Dally say "Ow! What was that for?" I then heard Silpa reply, "For being mean to her, she was just being nice ya jerk." "I don't do nice," I heard him mumble before I was out of earshot.


Silpa, Johnny, Pony, and Dally finally caught up to me about two minutes after I reached the park. I was sitting on top of the monkey bars when they approached.

"I thought I told you I didn't want ya here," I told Dally, jumping off the monkey bars with ease.

"Well I don't listen to little girls," he replied back while pulling out a cigarette and lighting it with a match that he lit on his necklace. I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.

"Hey Silpa, you got a cigarette?" I asked as I motioned for her to walk with me to the swings.

"Yeah, here ya go," she said as she pulled one out from the back of her pocket.

I took out a lighter from my pocket and lit the end of the cigarette, taking a long drag. I puffed out the smoke in circles and finally spoke up.

"So why is Dally like that? That wasn't a very friendly welcome," I asked as I took another drag.

"Oh, 'ol Dal has always been like that. He's a tough one to get to know, not many people have stayed long enough to try," she explained, "He don't mean nothin' he says, he's just got a lot of hate."

"Well that ain't an excuse to treat people like that and I ain't gonna let him treat me like that," I grumbled.

"Y'know, you're the first person to ever stand up to him. Not even the other Greasers will do that. He probably is just bein' like that 'cause he ain't used to this, especially from a girl 'cause it's not like he can hit you. If it were a guy doin' this, then he would've put him in his place," she replied.

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