Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to My friends :)

Chapter 1

Kate's POV

I stepped out of the beat up Buick Rivera and looked around at my surroundings. Other houses lined the small street with sloping roofs and trees in the front yards. The sun was just beginning to set in the sky, and I took a moment to gaze at the beautiful oranges and pinks. I remembered watching sunsets every night on the roof of our apartment building in New York, and I was glad that I at least had something familiar. I was so caught up in watching the sunset that I jumped when my mother yelled my name.

"Kate, c'mon, we need help with these boxes!" she yelled from the front porch.

I hadn't noticed the new house until she called my name, and I was able to get a good glance at it. It was decent, and far better than the apartment we had before, but it wasn't nearly as great as the big mansions we had passed on the other side of town. It was tan in color and had a brown roof, and that was about it.

I picked up random boxes from the moving truck and walked up the pathway to the front door. I set the boxes by the door and looked around at the furniture that had already been sent here from New York. I sifted through the boxes in the living room and found the boxes for my room, and brought them upstairs. My room had plain white walls with one window that faced the backyard and a bathroom attached to it. I get my own bathroom, not bad, I thought to myself as I started to unpack.

About two hours later, I was fully unpacked and started to get ready for bed. It had been a long day of driving because my parents had the bright idea to drive all the way from New York to Tulsa, Oklahoma, so I was very tired. As I was getting ready for bed, I wondered what school would be like tomorrow. Would I make any friends? Or would I be out-casted because I was the new kid? Nah, I thought to myself, I wouldn't care if I made any friends anyways. I mean, Sarah and Sade would be here in a few days, so I'll survive till then.

Even though Tulsa didn't seem so bad yet, I was still upset that we had to move away from New York. I had friends there and a good life, although I had spent most of my time on the streets. But my dad needed the new job, and so did Sarah and Sade's parents, so I was stuck here.


The next day, I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I groaned as I leaned over to turn it off, and I swept my feet to the side of the bed, sitting up. I sat there for a moment before getting up and walking to my dresser. I picked out a pair of light wash skinny jeans and a maroon v-neck along with my favorite leather jacket. I threw them on my bed and entered the bathroom.

I took a quick shower, dried myself off, and went to plug in my blow dryer. I dried my hair straight so I wouldn't have to style it and then pinned my bangs back. I applied some foundation, eyeliner, and mascara to finish and was satisfied with how I looked.

I walked back into my room, got changed, and headed down to the kitchen. When I got there, my father was sitting at the table with the newspaper in one hand and a coffee in the other. My mother was busy cooking, so when I got there, my father looked up from the paper.

"Hey sweetie, did you sleep okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was fine," I stated as I grabbed some toast from the counter and started to eat.

"Well that's good. Do you need a ride to school?" My mother asked.

"Nah, I think I'll take the scenic route and walk," I replied. I finished my toast and grabbed my bag, heading out the door.

"Bye guys!" I yelled as I stepped onto the porch.

As I started to walk out of our development, I saw a lot of other kids walking to school. At least I'm not the only one who can't afford their own car, I thought. It only took me ten minutes to get to my new school, and as I approached it, I could already tell there were cliques. Lovely, and I wouldn't fit into any of them.

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