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"So let me get this straight... You are saying that you saw Elizabeta, who fucking hates my guts, jerk me off on a bus that you don't even ride?" Roderich gulped "W-well... why else would I say it?" "Because your a pansy ass fuck who is jealous that I can actually get laid more than you or its the fact that my parents love me enough not to put me in ballet."Gilbert retorted. "That was in third grade Gilbert. And plus me and Elizabeta made love many times!" "Dude she said she touched your penis once and you immediately came. That probably why she broke up with you." "SHUT UP!" Roderich screamed. Gilbert grabbed him by his neck collar. "You listen here you pathetic excuse for a human being. Your gonna take your phone with its gay little piano charm and call Mattie explaining what a huge fucking piece of shit you are and how in your free time  when your not sucking Basch's cock you like to spread nasty little rumors of people who are obviously better than you and if you don't comply I swear to god I will shove a trashcan lid down your dick, moonwalk on it, and then buttfuck your soul. How does that sound Elizabeta?" Elizabeta spun the cast iron pan in her hand. "Sounds like a plan to me Gil."   

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