Chapter 7: Nashi Is Here!

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----------Time Skip 2 months----------

[ Lucy POV ]

"UGH! MIRA... MIRA PLEASE HELP ME!!" I yelled crying. She ran into the room, she looked scared.

"Oh my gosh Lucy what's wrong" she asked running to my side grabbing my hand while I was crying.

"I-I don't k-know m-my body i-is just h-hurting" I said crying even harder now.

"Ok just hold on I'll go get Wendy" she ran to get her phone, when Wendy answer Mira was yelling at her to get to the house as soon as possible.

About ten (10) minutes later Wendy was here she came into my room.

"Is there something wrong with the baby?" I asked, I don't want my baby to get hurt.

"No. Um, we need to get her to a hospital, she's going into labor" Wendy yelled at Mira.


[ Mira POV ]

Lucy has been in the hospital for two (2) hours I wonder if she had the baby yet. " Mira! We need to get to the hospital now Lucy is about to have the baby!!" As soon as I heard the word baby I turned off the TV and ran to my car. Wendy and I got there within five (5) minutes.


[ Lucy POV ]

"Come on one more push, we just need one more push and then it will all be over" the doctor told me, so I did what he said and gave a big push and before I knew it I could hear the sound of a baby crying. I smiled to myself. "It's a girl" the doctor told me.

"Can I see my baby?" I asked him, he nodded and handed me, my baby. Then we heard a knock on the door. Wendy and Mira came in, they ran into the room and sat on the bed. They smiled when they saw the baby.

"What's her name?" I heard a nurse asked me. I looked at the baby and smiled then I looked at the nurse.

"Her name is Nashi Dragneel" I told her, she smiled and took Nashi and put her in a glass box.

"I wish Natsu was here to see her" Mira and Wendy looked at me with sad eyes. I started to cry at the memories of Natsu, but it's ok he'll be back in three months. As I said that in my head it put a smile on my face. "Its ok though, I know he'll be happy to see her in three months" I said as I was hugging myself.

"It's getting late, we should get going. Bye Lucy and congratulation" Wendy said.

"See you tomorrow" Mira said

"The doctor told me that I have to stay here for three more days so I won't be home till then" I tell them as they left the room. I stood up and walked to the room they kept the babies at. I saw Nashi smile when she saw me. When she fell asleep I went back to my room and slept the whole night away.


I woke up and stretched, I saw a nurse come in with some food and she said " Good morning Mrs. Dragneel, are you hungry?' I shook my head and she just smiled at me. "Do you want me to bring you your baby?"

"Yes, please. Oh, and will she be able to sleep in here with me?" I asked her, she smiled and nodded. She then left the room and came back ten minutes later with Nashi.

"Thank you" I said to her, I grabbed Nashi and hugged her. "I love you so much Nashi and daddy loves you as well"


[ 2 Days Later ]

The doctors said that I can take Nashi and go home now. "Ok, Nashi are you ready to go home?" I asked her, she laughed and stuck out her tongue which made spit get on her face. "You're so cute"


"Alright let's get you fed, you must be so hungry"

Once I was done breastfeeding Nashi, I put her in her crib. I took a picture of her and put it in an envelope, and I put the envelope in the mailbox along with a note that said 'Nashi is here!!'

After our nap, we headed to the guild. "Alright time to go my love"


Once we got to the guild doors I was hesitant to open the doors. But when I opened the doors everyone ran to me."Can I hold her, Lucy?" Wendy asked

"Yea, but can you sit down and hold her, please? Sorry I'm just a little overprotective" she said ok, so I gave her Nashi, I watched as she held Nashi in her lap.

After awhile Nashi got sleepy so I took her home.


[ Next Day ]

I heard the mail truck/car outside. I got up and went outside, I looked in the mailbox and found a box. I went inside to see Nashi in her crib, looking up at the ceiling. I put the box on my bed and opened it.

"Hmm I wonder what daddy got us" I said to myself. When I opened the box I saw a letter and some clothing for Nashi.

I opened the letter and it said "Hey Luce I miss you so much, and thank you for sending me a picture of our cute little one. I wish I could have been there to see her be born, when you sent me the picture I found myself crying the whole day, tell her I love her and I'll be home soon till then my loves. -Natsu


[ 3 months later ]

"I'm so happy, Nashi guess what? You get to see daddy today" I told her she giggled. She looks so much like Natsu, she has short pink hair with black eyes. She isn't old enough to use magic yet so we don't know if she uses fire or keys like me.

"Alright time to go" I said as I gave Nashi a kiss on her forehead.


When I walked into the guild everyone looked at me with sad faces."what's wrong?" I asked them as Mira ran up to me and hugged me tightly, I felt tears. Was she crying? Why is she crying? "what's wrong Mira? Why are you crying?" I asked her, she looked up at me.

"I'm so sorry Lucy" she said holding my hand.

"What's wrong Mira? Please tell me?"

"Gray, Erza, and Natsu aren't coming back today Luce I-I'm sorry, I was going to tell you b-but you were so happy to have Nashi I didn't want to ruin that for you"

My eyes widen at what she said, I started to cry which made Nashi cry. "Na-Natsu isn't coming h-home t-today?"

"Sorry Lucy" Mira said, I can't take this! I gave Mira Nashi and ran out of the guild.


[1 hour later]

I heard my front door open. I wasn't scared since I heard Nashi, she was crying. I got up and ran to the door to get Nashi from Mira. Mira hugged me then left.



Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter

Word Count: 1189

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