Chapter Thirteen!- A New Beginning For Sure

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Chapter Thirteen~

"Hyukkie! KYAAA, SNOW'S FLYING IN MY FACE!" I whined as we made it to the roof top.
I know I sound like a total brat, but it ain't my fault. Hard snow can really be damaging for the skin!
He kept on holding my hand as he dragged me across the roof top towards the helicopter.

Once we got in, my hair was destroyed and my makeup looked lopsided. I glared at Eunhyuk.
"Eh heh heh.... Uh.... Sorry, Karina..." He started sweating.
Eunhyuk started smiling, aware that I would forgive him if he flashed his gummy smile.
I sighed, "Alright, I forgive you. But next time, I'm twisting your nipples."
"Dude, let's just go to that party and get it over with." I tried to sound like the party didn't matter, when really, I was dying to go.
"Well, not if you're looking like that."
"YAH, WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" I shouted in rage.
I swear, this guy loves to make me fume at any chance he can get.
Eunhyuk laughed, and called out two names. "Mimi, Gemma!"
I heard some ruffling sounds behind me, so I turned.
Two gorgeous girls appeared. One was short, while the other one was average height. They botj were these matching black and white dresses. The short one had pink hair while the tall one had brown hair.
I'm guessing they were models or something, until one was pulling my hair back and fixing it, while the other one was removing my makeup to apply a new layer on.
Then I realized they were stylists. Where the hell did they cone from anyways?! Last time I checked, it was just me, Hyukjae, and the pilot in the helicopter.
I sat awkwardly quiet while Eunhyuk crossed one leg over the other looking at me. He had his arm around the seat beside him, and he looked incredibly hot.
I blushed.
For once, he looked mature enough.
After the stylists finished, Gemma handed me a mirror.
Wow, could that girl before my eyes really be me?
I don't like to gloat or brag, but I looked pretty amazing.
I gave them a cheeky smile and two thumbs up.
"Nice." Eunhyuk murmured as he leaned towards my ears and neck.
Why does he sound so horny at the moment?
He then softly kissed my neck.
I felt the blood rush to my face, and pushed him away.
"E-Eunhyuk Oppa!" I stuttered.
He smirked "You know how I get when you call me Oppa,"
I blushed even harder, and the girls giggled. I looked down at my lap, and I heard Eunhyuk laugh.
The girls were giggling to each other about how we were the perfect couple.
I looked up to Eunhyukkie only to find ours nose touching.
He smiled, and quickly kissed my lips.

Why do I love you so much?


-At the Party-

Eunhyuk made me put my arm in his while we arrived to the entrance.
But.... This didn't look like SMTOWN building at all.
Hmmm..... Did they reconstruct?
I gave Eunhyuk a questioning look, and all he did was look forward and smile.
I frowned, but continued walking along with him.
This place was huge, and it looked more like a castle than a building. Where are we? The "castle" was in the middle of a huge Korean garden, with a little pond and a stone bridge. The path was etched with little stones and pebbles, and even though it was evening, you could see the little koi fish. There were even lanterns hanging all around, and there were cherry blossoms and bonsai trees. The bushes were nicely cut and trimmed, and there was a little mini house near the edge of the pond. It was made out of clear plastic, and it took the shape of a dome. Inside were grey beanies, and a tea table. We made our way to the huge building (or mansion? Yea, definitely a mansion.).
When we walked in, there were literally balloons everywhere that rose up to the ceiling. And did I mention how tall that ceiling was?
Inside was two gigantic staircases on each side, and in the middle were some fancy couches, a grande peach coloured piano on a mini stage, and a beautiful white chandelier that hung on the ceiling. The couches were in a pink and creme coloured floral pattern with a hint of green for the leaves, and it looked like what the Queen of England would live in.
I could even see a few pearls sewed on the hem of the couch. It looked similar to the mansion for the drama Boys Over Flowers that my sister, mom, and me swooned over.
I could see no sight of any celebrity.
I faced Eunhyuk.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.
"Do you like this house?" He asked.
I laughed. "Sure, who wouldn't? Why are you asking me this?"
"No reason." He replied casually.
I poked his cheek. "Tell me or I'll kill you." I said with aegyo.
He looked at me and blushed.
*he closes his eyes* "Aish Karina, how could you be so damn cute?" He asked still blushing. It sounded like he was complaining.
"Nonononono, I am not cute- Ack!"
Out of nowhere, he pulled me in for a hug. And during my protest too....
"Karina, there's something I wanna ask you so bad, but it's not the right time yet."
"You can tell me anything, babo (idiot)."
"I want the time to be perfect, and I SURE DON'T WANT ANY WEASEL STALKING US AT THE MOMENT." He said that louder, and eyed the couch.
Henry poked his head out. "Mianhe.... I just wanted to see some action."
Eunhyuk's mouth formed the word 'fuck', but he refrained his mouth from saying it. I could tell he was holding it in.
"Henry, would you KINDLY get the hell out and let me do something here?" Hyuk Oppa interrogated.
"Okie, okie... But don't blame me if you can't find a condom~" and he scurried off.
Eunhyuk stuck his middle finger, and looked back at me.
He gave me a puppy face, and I giggled.
"It's ok, I forgive you."
He brightly smiled, and pecked me on the nose.
He caressed my hair, and he put his head down so our foreheads could touch.
"Karina... Do you love me?"
"Do you like children?"
"Uhm... Yes?" What the fuck is wrong with this dude? What is he talking about? He sounds like a grandma right now.
"Do you... You know what, forget it. I'll ask you another time."
"Aww, but can't you tell me now?" I pouted.
"I'd love to, but just wait a little longer..." He murmured.
I nodded, and when we heard some violin and piano playing, we looked towards the stage.
Kyuhyun was playing the piano, and Henry was playing the violin.
It was a very romantic, gentle song; a song that I can't put my finger on.
We let each other go, and Eunhyuk stuck out his hand. "May I have this dance, Princess?"
My face flushed, and I nodded.
I put my arms around his neck, and he put his arms around my waist.
I might have never done this with any other guy, but I feel like I could really connect with Eunhyuk, so I made my move.
I embraced my body and hugged him.
We danced a bit like that, and he hugged me even tighter.
"Promise me you won't love any other girl?"
"I promise, jajiya (my love)..."
"What if you break that promise?"
"I won't because no matter what, I'm not letting you go. Not to Yesung, not to anyone. You're mine, and only mine."

Eunhyuk, I wanna stay like this. Just for a bit.

Now I know who I really love, and it's



Author's Notes:

Sowwy, I know this is a short chapter...........
I'm just so busy... AND I GAINED 6 POUNDS. NUUUUUU
Dear readers, please help a desperate author. I used to be 94 pounds, now I'm 100, and my thighs touch when I walk. It's not a good feeling.
I NEED ADVICE. FAST. I just wanna lose those 6 pounds back for school...... AISH. I need to lose those within four days, so.... I guess 1.5 pounds a day should do?
I used to exercise lots and eat little, but my appetite has grown stronger and I'm so lazy to exercise.... Help?
Thank you, lovelies~
Topic of the day: Imperfections
What I really hate about myself is my weight, my acne prone skin, and basically my whole face. I dunno, it's just not attractive as others .__. I just wanna change my whole face. But then I dun wanna do face surgery..... TOO EXPENSIVE AND PAINFUL O^O yes, I am a very cheap Asian :p but then I spend money a lot.... Whatever. I also have the memory span of a goldfish when it comes to something important.
I don't know what I like about myself.... Maybe my ability to squeeze into tight spaces? Or maybe I can hold my breath underwater for a very long time...... I can armpit fart and make fart noises with my ears..... I like that I.... Uh.... I can go long-term without food when there's internet, and I can run up and down the stairs pretty fast without getting extremely tired..... I think that's all.....
So can you guys please please please please please please give me some advice? :(
My boyfriend even broke up with me, so that makes my life even more worse than it already is.
Life sucks. Don't let people get to you. Fuck my ex. Hope he perishes in hell......
(I recommend My Lady and Boyfriend by Boyfriend :3 the twins belong to me though. Touch them and I'll cut you.)

Instagram: @mango_seed

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