Chapter Ten!- Hospital

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Chapter Ten~

Hmmm.... Now where was their house again? I wondered while walking down a neighbourhood.
It was 8:46 am in the morning, and I am totally lost.
I left the house at 8:15, and I've been wandering around ever since. I searched my bag for my cellphone, and realized that I must've forgotten it at home.
I went to the nearest pay phone, and instantly I wanted to call Eunhyuk, but then I didn't memorize his phone number... I feel like a hopeless girlfriend.
I decided to get some rest and sit down. I found a bench, and sat down. I stared at the map hopelessly while scratching my head. Da faq?
I sighed, and looked around for any signs.
Great, I didn't even recognize this neighbourhood, and now I'm doomed. I pouted, and looked around once more.
I saw a pretty cute dude walk by. He had piercings (A/N I love dudes with piercings. ADORBS.
♪('ε` ) ), a black mohawk with side-swept bangs, he was wearing a grey hoodie with a navy-blue vest that had white fur and black skinny jeans.
I walked up to him, and asked him for directions to "xxxxxxxxx street". He looked at me, and smiled. "Ok, you've taken a whole other neighbourhood," he chuckled "now, walk up to xxxxx street over there, and turn right. Keep on walking straight, until you see a school. Turn right again, and from there, you should be in the exact street."
"Thank you, oppa!" I chirped. Or, at least I think he was older than me.... I turned to follow his instructions, until he grabbed my arm.
"Hey, what are you-"
"You're cute. Wanna hang out some time?" He asked with a grin.
"No!" I frowned, and gave my best 'disgusted' look. He looked offended, and then asked "Why?"
"I already have a boyfriend." I replied.
"Oh. Well, that's your loss." He said, and spinned around, walking away.
What does he mean, my loss?! I'M DATING EUNHYUK, A CELEBRITY. If anything, it's his loss. Jesus, guys these days. Don't know realistic shit (no offence to all you males out there).
I continued walking, and I finally reached his house after the billionth time of looking for it.
I walked up to the gates, and buzzed the speaker.
The gate opened, and so did the door. Eunhyuk walked out, and stared at me with his bed head and sleepy eyes. He yawned, and then squinted.
"Karina.... Is that you?!"
"Yes...?" I replied, confused.
"OMO, I thought you got bored of me and left!" He said crying, and then he ran up to me. Eunhyuk hugged me super tight, as if he wanted to kill me under his man-arms.
"Why would I do that?" I choked out.
He released me, and grinned. "Did 'ya read my texts yet?"
"Uh, no.., sorry Hyukkie! I left my phone at home." I said, embarrassed.
He chuckled, and grabbed my hand. We both ran into the house.

"..... Wow." I said, staring at the table filled with over a hundred pancakes "Did you... Make all this?"
"Yep!" He said proudly "Remember last time when we made pancakes? Well, I thought I should repay you after the whole incident, so I made all of these last night!" He smiled like a dork.
Aish, I love this boy.
"Saranghae~" I tried to sound sexy, but it came out like a child's voice. I pecked his cheek after I said it, and he blushed.
"I..... HAVE TO PEE!" He yelled out, and ran towards the washroom, rapidly blushing. What a cutie.
I sat down on the table, and stared at the pancakes once more. Now that I've thought about it, I didn't eat breakfast yet. My stomach suddenly grumbled as if on cue. I was tempted to dig into those gorgeous pancakes. I wanted to eat it, but I must be polite and wait for Eunhyuk.
So I did.
Two minutes passed.
Five minutes passed.
Ten fucking minutes passed.
Where the hell is he?
I am pissed. I walked towards the washroom, and knocked on the door. "Hyukkie, are you in there?"
I knocked once more, and still no answer, so I busted it open.
.... Why is he on the floor sleeping? He was sound asleep, and slightly snoring. He looked so cute, and fluffeh.... OMO >///< I silently bent down, and moved his hair from his face.
Smiling, I poked his cheek. He moved a little, but then went back to sleeping.
I gushed, and decided to let him be.
I went back to the kitchen, and looked in the cabinets for a piece of tarp or something to cover the gigantic amount of pancakes on the table.
Might as well wait for Eunhyuk. It won't be delicious without him at all.
I was cleaning around the house. Wow, when Ryeowook isn't here, this place is for sure a mess. Wait... Where is everybody? The only person I've seen this morning is Eunhyuk, and there were no signs of Leeteuk or Kyuhyun anywhere. I thought we were gonna talk about that bitchy Siwon...
Erm. He still gives me the chills. Even thinking about him puts me in a bad mood.
What do people find in him anyways? Hmph. Watch when he comes back here. I'm gonna blackmail him by calling him an ugly homosexual rapist. That should do it.
I ran to the washroom to check on Eunhyuk again, and he was just sitting in the bathtub, reading a magazine.
I coughed, and he looked over to me, surprised.
"I was just reading Kyuhyun's collection of magazines that he keeps on top of the toilet..." Eunhyuk said, embarrassed.
I raised one eyebrow, and then stifled a laugh. He looks so cute.... And... Domesticated? I don't even know.
Suddenly the phone rang. We both ran to the kitchen, and when Eunhyuk put it on speaker, "HYUKJAE, KARINA, YESUNG AND SIWON ARE IN THE HOSPITAL"
We both exchanged looks, and hung up. Eunhyuk ran outside to start the car, while I grabbed our jackets.
During the car ride, Eunhyuk and I were both serious. But, it was unlikely for him to. He was a bit... Scary when he was serious.
"Karina, text Leeteuk and see which hospital."
I obeyed his orders, and took his cellphone.

KARINA- Teukkie, where is da hosp.?

Leeteuk replied back.

LEETEUK- xxxxxxxxx Hosp. Rite bside da supermarket near ur house.


And the conversation ended. Eunhyuk glanced over at the screen to see where, and he made a sharp left turn. I gasped,because he was driving with such speed.
"Eunhyuk Oppa, are you alright?" He seemed to calm down a bit after I called him Oppa. Typical.
"It's nothing, I'm just too worried for my own good. Yesung is important to you, isn't he? And if you wouldn't be able to see him anymore, then I'm scared you'll get hurt."
I looked at him. Did he care for me this much? I started tearing up, sniffling.
He looked over at me, and was worried. "Are you ok? Did I scare you, or say something wrong?"
I did a little laugh while still crying. "Hyuk Oppa, why do you think everything is your fault? I'm crying because you care for me so much. Didn't I tell you last time?"
He sighed of relief. "Good. I don't want to hurt the person that I wanna stay with for the rest of my life."
I stared at him. "What do you mean?" I asked curiously.
"Nothing." He grinned.

We arrived at the hospital. Eunhyuk asked for directions, and we ran.
He was holding my hand when we barged into the room. Yesung and Siwon were both lying on seperate beds, but by the looks of it,

Siwon looked worse.

I went to see both of them, and cried. Mostly for Yesung though, because Siwon was a meanie.
Eunhyuk went over and hugged me close.
"They're going to be alright, Karina. I just know it..." Eunhyuk murmured in my ears.
"I'm... I'm going to go to the washroom." I hiccuped.
"Karina, wait-"
But it was too late.
I already left the room.

Author's Notes:

Gosh,if this really happened to them, then I would cry NON STOP.
Ehehehehe.... Eunhyuk, Yesung, and Leeteuk are all so hot....
Excuse me for that.
I CAN'T WAIT FOR OUR GRADE TO GO ON AN OVERNIGHT TRIP (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) getting pumped up by the second :p
Topic of the day: My Type
My type of guy that I prefer:
- skinny (I'm sorry, but I really like people with a body like Eunhyuk. I don't like TOO buff though. Know what I'm saying?...)
- funny
- average or tall height
- pierced ears (optional, but it's better if they have it(≧∇≦))
- nice hair
- looks cute when begging or using the puppy face
- it's better if there's dyed hair
- has a style like Yesung or Eunhyuk, or maybe a bit emo-ish (I like guys who wear a simple hoodie with like, black skinny jeans)
- long legs
- plays an instrument
- eats a lot but never gets fat
- sweet
- nice personality
- rebellious
- adventurous
- I know it's odd, but when guy cry, I think it's cute. I mean like, they don't care.
Instagram: @mango_seed
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