Chapter Five!- My... Old Friend?

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Chapter Five~

"I uh..... UHH.... IBETTERGETGOINGBUHBYEMRS.LEE,KARINA!" He said that all in one breath and hurried off. Wha?
Then I heard a scream.
"Aiiiiiiyyyyaaaaaaa!" It was Eunhyuk and Yesung.......... And they both slipped on the ice.
"Oh dear!" My mother said quietly.
"Arg.... Stupid.." I mumbled. "Mom, let's go take them inside to patch up."
"Good thinking!" She replied.


"OW OW OW, but Karina, it's still hurts so much! Can't I just stay here?" Eunhyuk whined while holding his bandaged up foot.
"YEA" Yesung pouted. They were both putting up a baby face act, and I could not resist it. I mean, 2 hots guys wanna stay over during the night. THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN OFTEN 0^0 well, to me it doesn't... SNIFFLES
"Argh..... Fine! But I need your manager's permission-" "Done!" Yesung grinned when he cut me off. So the whole time he was texting his..... Manager...... Weird.
"Yeah, but I also need my parents permission!" I retorted. Haha, now I know they can't do nuthin'...... Until I see my parent's and siblings heads pop out....
"OF COURSE WE WIL LET THEM :)" my dad grinned creepily. (Looked liked Jeff...)
Then my mom dragged 2 sleeping bags across the floor. "They'll be sleeping in your room~" she said sing-songly. What kind of parents are they?!
Ooh boy, this is going to be a long night.

1 Hour Later~

Eunhyuk decided to crawl up on to my bed when I was sleeping. He says that the "floor feels hard". Well, OF COURSE THE FLOOR IS SUPPOSED TO FEEL HARD. When I tried to push him away, he wouldn't budge, and he is now hugging me while sleeping. I understand it being cute and stuff, but let's face it, I'M PISSED OFF ABOUT TODAY. We didn't even get to go to the aquarium, and I was so looking forward to go...
My parents have never been able to take my siblings and me anywhere fun. I guess that's 'cause up until now, we were a poor-financial family. I guess Eunhyuk could understand. I heard his family went through financial problems too when he was younger. I feel so depressed all of a sudden now...
I turned my head and stared at Eunhyuk. He was sleeping soundly, like a cat purring as it sleeps.
I slowly lifted my arm up and started running my fingers through his brown hair. It felt so soft...
Why is he so damn cute? I thought. My eyes wandered around his face, and ended up at his lips.
They looked so soft and had the colour of raspberries. His lips looked so lonely.... Wait, what am I thinking?! I squinted and shook my head.
No! I cannot be like this!
But then again, I am his girlfriend...
I turned towards his face again, and leaned in.
I had finally kissed him.
As I pulled my lips off of his, I felt his hands on my face. He was returning my kiss.
When did he wake up?
We started making out heavily. I gasped between kisses.
"Karina..." He murmured in my ear. I started to feel him nibbling on my ear, and he started to make his way towards my neck. Then it went to my chest. HE'S IN MY SACRED AREA (it's not 'that place'. I'm still on the chest part). He was kissing it, again and again, softly.
Here comes another part that a lot of guys do. Some girls like it, and I can understand that feeling!
Eunhyuk started to gently lick my neck and chest.
It felt so.... Weird.... Yet relaxing.
Suddenly, I felt eyes on me.
"Hold up," I whispered to Eunhyuk.
I sat up, and rubbed my eyes. I turned to the direction in which I felt being watched, and I could see Yesung standing there, with a hurt look across his face.
"Yesung! Weren't you, uhm, s-sleeping?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"Well I was, but then I decided to get a glass of water, and when I came back, I saw you guys kissing for like, 6 minutes." I could hear gulps, sadness, and irritation in between some of his words. Or was I just imagining things?
Eunhyuk probably got pissed at all the talking, and sat up.
"Oh. Yesung." He said. He started blushing like crazy.
"Eunhyuk, when did you ever kiss a girl like that?" Yesung said, swallowing back tears.
"What are you talking about?" Eunhyuk's voice was serious now. I can't do anything but just sit there and listen. Why do I feel so guilty?
"Eunhyuk. Why do you always win?" He asked, shivering.
"Whenever I like someone, THEY ALWAYS LIKE YOU!" Yesung was screaming and crying now. "Karina, you don't remember me, do you?" Whispered Yesung.
"Yesung, what are you saying-" I cried.
"Karina, remember when we were younger, I was the one who pushed you on the swings, taught you piano, and we built a tree house together?"
".............. Were you.............. Yachikyun?" Yes, I called him Yachikyun when we were younger. We were best friends. But he has liked me this whole time? I used to like him, and I get this tingly feeling sometimes, but it's not like when I'm with Eunhyuk. There is magic between us, and there is nothing that can make that magic fade away.
"You are Yachikyun, am I right?" I asked.
Yesung nodded.
"I... I miss you." I choked out. He has been there for me and everything, and I love him so much, but not the same way as I love Eunhyuk.
Yesung started crying.
"I'm sorry, Oppa Yachikyun." I whispered.
Eunhyuk looked confused the whole time, but he remained silent. He pulled me over to give me a long hug, and I started crying. I remember all those times when Yesung and I were friends. I feel so bad that I cannot return his feelings.
"Yesung-" Eunhyuk started "I really love Karina."
"I know," Yesung replied. "Please take care of her for me." He stopped crying, and walked out of the room.

The next morning....

Author's note:

Hey guys~ sorry for the corny/sappy stuff in this short chapter >_<!
I wanted to make it sound a bit like those Korean dramas. Is it a success?! Comment and support please <3!
Todays's topic isss: Scary Shit
So I recently watched "The Conjuring", and I was scared SHITLESS. I mean, that Annabelle doll is PRETTTTTY creepy. Even knowing that it's a true story freaks me out. Any ghost or any kind of demonic thing that scares you, comment below :)
Next chapter focuses on them making breakfast, and the next chapter after that focuses on them going to an amusement park's haunted house (spoiler), so I need ideas, pronto! Thanks for reading ;)
Follow meh on WattPad and Instagram @mango_seed

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