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On the run

Fluff, no smut, love confession, slightly stressful tbh - 1.1k words

John was running as fast as he could, his mind never wandering from the situation, they were on the run from the bloody police. He was still thinking about punching that detective prick, something about him insulting Sherlock just set him off, and he was not ashamed of it, he would be telling his grandchildren about that moment! "Come on John, hurry up!" And of course John's perfect little bubble was popped. It always seemed to happen, he would make excuses and build up this amazing character for Sherlock to be, but in reality he was just an utter cock, a brilliant one as it may be.

Even as he thought this he tried to ignore how majestic Sherlock looked as he ran, hair and coat billowing in the wind. Just wow.

Sherlock's mind had drifted away from the problem at hand, he had it all worked out; except for one thing. He was blushing at John grabbing his hand, and maybe even still a little red from John punching that arse of an officer (although how could someone not find that attractive). He smiled to himself, hiding his face from John, it was absolutely no use dwelling on it, he couldn't work John out, but the basic vibe he was getting is that he had no chance. He tried to concentrate on running, waiting too long to realise that John was falling behind, he couldn't risk them both getting caught, John would never forgive him for this. Well. Maybe he would, but it wouldn't be pretty.

"Shit" John whispered to himself, noticing a gate advancing towards them rapidly, Sherlock somehow managed to climb over it like some kind of adrenaline filled, mildly arousing spider. There was a flicker of shock and worry in Sherlock's eyes as he saw John very much stationary, or maybe, John thought, it was just a trick of the light, or indigestion. "Sherlock" he muttered, pulling the handcuffs connecting them closer to his face, "we're going to have to work together."

Oh god, as usual, the only person who could distract him was doing a very good job, Sherlock could never resist John when he got  all macho. He felt John's eyes searching his face and hoped to God he hadn't let anything show. Need to work together, right yes.. together.

It seemed ironic how Sherlock never seemed to be able to turn his brain off yet the moment he did need it to avoid quite a lot of embarrassing looks from government officials, John seemed to have broken him again. "Sherlock!" John snapped, obviously impatient at Sherlock's sudden lack of interest in escaping the police. Sherlock had no idea what he was doing, adrenaline pumped through his veins at abnormally high speeds and he was just so caught up in this thoughts that he couldn't help but... His lips smashed into John's, expecting to feel John pull away the moment he became concious of what was happening, but he didn't. Sherlock was sure that was a good sign, but he didn't seem to be very recipient.

John was finally getting angry with Sherlock again, Jesus it had been such a rollercoaster today. This bastard just had to drag him along and not even think as he pulled him down endless winding dank alleyways, of course he did, it was Sherlock, and that look was definitely indigestion. He was about to tell at him again, where was Sherlock the annoying smart arse when you needed him! But before John could continue his train of thought he felt Sherlock's lips, his plump and insanely smooth lips, push against his. He froze. He didn't know how to react because... Well... He didn't hate it, in fact, he felt like it was a relief somehow. The warmth of Sherlock's loose hand grabbing his shocked him into response, he moved his lips with Sherlock's, getting lost in those quick few seconds before pulling himself away and looking at Sherlock's face: It held almost as much surprise as his did.

"John I..." He didn't know what to say, it was very likely that John's response was a good one but at this moment Sherlock wasn't his brains biggest fan. John breathed heavily and looked around "we uhm, we need to move somewhere quickly... Please."

He avoided Sherlocks eyes as he helped him over the fence, the sirens seemed much further away as they walked. The running didn't quite seem appropriate, they just walked, slowly, hands still clutched together. The darkness got more pressing as they moved, neither saying a word, both barely moving.

Then he stopped, John just stopped, and felt the handcuffs tug as Sherlock realised he wasn't walking anymore. He looked into the taller man's eyes, there was no description for their colour but whatever it was it was enchanting. "Why..." He said, continuing the eye contact, all sorts of ideas running through his head but none making sense. "John I... I love you."

Both men stopped for a heartbeat.

Love... He loves me, how could he love me? What is there to love about me? Oh God he loves me.

Why did I say that, what's wrong with my stupid brain for course you love him.

The words started tumbling out and they didn't seem to stop: "I always have I mean, you saved me John, you really did. Everything was so messy before you came into my life and you didn't hate me, you thought I was brilliant, no one thinks I'm brilliant even though I am but obviously thats not important but you're here with me now and you always stay and you just smile so happily I'm sorry John I really am." He took in a deep breath, lightheaded from speaking so much all of a sudden. Neither spoke, neither did anything. The silence was comfortable.

"Let's just keep running" John grinned, grabbing Sherlock's hand again and squeezing it tight, "we're not out of it yet!" John thought nothing, but he was happy, it was the most Sherlock thing and the strangest thing somehow. All John knew was it pleased him, and right now he wanted to hd the hand of the man who loved him. And at a stretch, keep on outrunning the police and mobster criminals with him.

Sherlock grinned back, pulling up his coat collar and gripping John's hand back, "shall we?" The two shared one final smile before running off into the darkness and, as John suggested, far much more together than before. The future was unsure but they were both hopeful it would be a happy one.

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