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I have never been good with emotions

Fluff, no smut, cheeky kiss though ;) - 905 words

"Inspector Lestrade, how thoughtful of you to finally grace us with your presence." Mycroft looked down at the sweating inspector, a relitively unknown feeling of regret washed over him as he saw the state he was in.
"Alright alright, I was-"
"Doing paperwork in the office, I know." He grinned, Lestrade just sighed and gazed up at him with a look of intregue and annoyance, a look Mycroft Holmes was fairly used to. "Why am I here Mycroft?" He muttered, avoiding eye contact with the other man. "Detective Inspector Lestrade, I-"
Lestrade gave his almost-friend a stern look, the only look in the world to make Mycroft Holmes change his mind, but not without a certain level of exasperation. Mycroft sighed.
"Greg. I know I tend to not be the most emotional of people"
Lestrade snorted, gaining him a harsh stare from his counterpart.
"But you must trust me when I say that my lack of emotional connection is mostly due to my care for the safety of the British government. And in your case I suppose there can be a certain level of... Acceptable conversation."

Greg rolled his eyes, it was typical of Mycroft to make a supposed gesture of friendship go tits up. "Look, Mister Holmes" he said, a sarcastic tone laying thick over it, "if you're going to say something can you get right to the point, some of us might have somewhere to be." He felt a twinge of guilt as a spark dissaperared from Mycroft's eyes and he let his expression soften.

"I am simply trying to..." He took a deep breath and started to speak again, ridding himself of his pompous air... Slightly.
"I want you to know that whilst I excel in most subjects, this is not one of them. I have tried my whole life to simply focus on my work but sometimes silly things like family get in the way. I... I consider you family Detect- .... Greg." Greg blushed a violent shade of pink at Mycrofts words just as Mycroft had. Even though it sounded almost painful for Mycroft to speak, it was still sweet to hear him try.

Mycroft seemed to be finding his words, an unusual occurrence that gave Greg the chance to light a cigarette and get his breath back. The smoking earned an almost jealous glance from Mycroft, mummy Holmes must be getting stricter he thought to himself, chuckling at the idea of Mycroft getting told off like a kid. For some reason he didn't find it strange that he had been invited here simply to be told he was wanted, even though it was clearly a given. Sherlock wasn't the only common interest the two shared. Whilst they usually spoke about at least some business, Mycroft seemed to relish being near someone who wasn't (as Greg put it) a pompous twat.

Mycroft stuttered as he began to talk again in an almost forced manor, "I wouldn't hesitate to send trained assasins after anyone who dared to cross you. Which, if I am correct, would be a similar feeling to the chemical reaction lesser minded people call love. But, for once, I am unable to control my brain and must fall into that category."
His tone seemed rather giddy as is swung his umbrella slowly and without purpose.

Lestrade looked at the man in front of him in complete shock, Mycroft was keeping up his pretentious facade, but cringing at his apparent display of emotion. His expression turned to one of shock as Lestrade started to laugh, "This is not funny, I simply tried to- you're being very rude you know- this isn't-" he stuttered, seemingly at a loss for words for the first time in his life. "You total bastard" Greg said through  laughs, "you really don't get it do you?" Mycrofts face was blank. "Fuck it." He threw down the cigarette he had been holding in his hand and marched up to Mycroft, grabbing his face with both hands and kissing him firmly on the lips. Mycroft was still for a few seconds before kissing him back, kissing him back as though he had never been kissed before (let's be real I'm very sure Mycroft does not get that much action) he dropped his umbrella and pushed Greg towards a wall, running his hands through his silver hair.

He slowed his kiss before slowly lifting his head, eyes still closed, a look of mild surprise lay on Greg's face. "Well that was... Uh... Unexpected" he said breathlessly "not bad unexpected though I mean..." He mumbled panickedly as Mycroft stayed silent leaning over him.
"I... I'm sorry" Mycroft said, slipping back into his old self and adjusting his waistcoat, "I don't know what came over me."
"Fuck off you don't know what came over you" Lestrade grinned, "I thought you only ever talked to me because if Sherlock" he muttered, runnings hands through his hair, a smile still on his face. "Never" Mycroft said, looking him directly in the eyes, "I would never take for granted someone I care for so dearly."

"Of course you wouldn't" Greg muttered, disbelief in his voice, the pause in the conversation allowing him to soften. "Of course you wouldn't" he repeated, giving Mycroft the most sincere smile he could manage and grabbing his hand, "let's get out of here."

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