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This simple feeling:

Fluff, a little plot, established relationship, just some cute space husbands, nervous Kirk stuff, TOS - 1400 words

"Spock, what's going on?"

"The instruments don't appear to be working captain."

"Well why the hell not, were aproaching Klingon space spock!"

"Captain I-"

The entire bridge went dark, the sound of the engines ceased and the ship was plunged into silence.

"I'm bringing up the reserve power supply now sir."
A nameless voice came out of the darkness, all other crew members silent in waiting.

It had come out of nowhere, they had been headed towards an unregistered star system just outside of Klingon space, a little risky but worth it. Until everything had stopped that is. Not even Spock could explain it, and to their knowledge, the Klingons couldn't and wouldn't pull this kind of stunt on a Starfleet ship.

Jim stared around the darkened room in panic, thinking of the best way to aid his crew and his ship. "Lieutenant Uhura, do we have any power to communications?" He hurried, feeling for Spock's hand in the darkness.
"Yes sir" her voice rang out, cutting through the darkness and the silence, "the backup supplies are low captain, we can only just manage a ship wide com."
"Perfect, set it up" he mentally prepared himself, still wishing for the reasuring touch of his first officers hand. A mysterious number of switches clicked as a small glow was emmited from the failing machinery: "ready captain"

"This is a ship wide announcement, unfortunately we have been stranded in uncharted space, I urge you all to keep talking to a minimum and reserve heat and energy, life support systems should hopefully be returning soon, do not panic. Captain out."

Kirk breathed a sigh of relief as a familiar click indicated he was offline, he damn well knew he was lying, of course he did, but he had to keep people from worrying in any way he could. His command over the ship was skilled and a refined skill at that, he was damned if anything was going to get in the way of that, especially his own fear.

As he tried to stray further away from his panic, a warm and familiar voice rang out from behind him, accompanied by a sudden glow of light. "Captain, I believe I have found the emergency lighting" Spock called, throwing a second torch at Jim with ease and dexterity, a slight smirk on his face. "Mister Spock I could kiss you!" He called, alerting the bridge crew to grab a torch each, a plan already formulating in his head.

"All of you spread around as much of the ship as you can, make sure the crew are okay and following orders," he ordered, his power still clear in his voice.
"Jim, I believe it would be logical to send someone to the medbay incase of any incidents." Spock stated, staring as the remaining crew filed out.
Kirk couldn't help but look with fascination at Spock's face, so clearly embedded in thought far more complex than Jim could ever hope to comprehend. He snapped out of his admiration, calling after the crew

"Sulu, make sure to check on Bones, we may need medical assistance!" He saw Sulu's silhouette nod in understanding as they filed out, leaving just Jim and Spock alone.

"Very well handled Captain," Spock said, a hint of surprise in his face clearly meant to make him laugh, it worked. A huge grin broke over Jim's face as he brought Spock into a hard but not unfeeling embrace, breathing in his scent as he did. Spock let out a small smirk as they broke away, his human side being allowed to show for just a second.

"The nature of our relationship aside captain, I believe that to maintain optimal heat levels you should stay close, as you know Vulcans have a typically higher internal body temperature than that of humans." Spock said almost factually, moving himself closer to Jims position on the captain's chair.

"You old romantic" Kirk teased, motioning for Spock to sit on his lap, "Captain I do not think it will be comfortable to-" he started, before being cut off by a sharp tut from Jim who motioned again, "it's only logical Spock, you can't hurt a strong captain like me!" He joked, knowing that Spock would let a smirk free when no one else could see. Emotional response had become far more common in the Vulcan since his union with the Captain, even though logic still ruled his every decision as a first officer (and frustratingly, in many other situations too).

Spock sighed and tentatively placed himself on the edge of Jim's knee, before holding in a gasp as his legs were swung around so he was sat far more comfortably on his Captain. "I must admit, you were right Jim." He chuckled, burying his head into Jim's neck.

"Just look at that view Spock," Jim sighed, looking out at the endless space stretched out before them, "doesn't it just make you think about all the crazy, brave and just plain reckless things we've acheived out there."
The tone of the conversation became less flirty and far more peaceful as they spoke, "I believe everything we have encountered has been for a reason Jim, I have found that the universe is rarely so lazy." Kirk smiled at his lover, thinking how the universe had to be very kind to help him find such bliss in such a simple feeling as this.

"You are thinking of me, I believe we should share such thoughts," Spock stated, looking up at Kirk from his cosy position in his lap, "I assumed you would know everything I have to say on the matter by now" he grinned in response.

Spock smiled back, even though he was facing away Jim could feel it, "nevertheless, I would still like to hear your thoughts."

"I was only thinking, how age must have made the universe so kind, for it to allow such happiness in such a simple feeling."

"You are quoting me captain, I too think that it must be through some unknown kindness that we have ended up with such lasting joy in times like this"

"Oh I wouldn't say it's so rare for times like this to be joyful Mr Spock, just that I get to spend them with you."

A blush faded from Jim's cheeks as they tested in comfortable silence, just waiting for news from the rest of the crew. The luck of staying unnoticed by Klingons made Jim feel again as though someone was looking out for them.

His hand made small circles on the back of Spock's, sighing quietly as he felt the warmth of the Vulcan pulse through him. The both of them listening to the others heart beating next to theirs, the world seemed so simple from this side, everything made sense when the two of them were together, it always had for both of them. A connection like theirs was a mystery to many, ever since their first meeting, their first kiss, there had seemed an unspoken bond of friendship and love between them.

"It would be logical to check on the crew Jim," Spock muttered heavily, moving to get back on his feet, Kirk pulled him back and breathed in his scent heavily. "A few more minutes, they will alert me as soon as any progress is made, maybe then I can find out who broke my damn ship! But for now, stay." He hoped Spock would agree, the cosy little corner he had created was all he ever wanted and more, there's no way some clutz in engineering was going to take that from him.

"I suppose I could stay a while longer" Spock sighed, clearly happy with the captain's decision to pull him back into his arms. "I too would like to spend longer in your company."

Although Spock's words may never seem too romantic, the softness of his voice constantly made Jim feel at home in a way no one else could.


The sound of the turbo lift came drifting into the room and a single light flickered, the two sleepily moved apart, smiling as Kirk dropped Spock's hand. "What have you got for me Mr Sulu?" Kirk puzzled calmly, smiling softly in Spock's direction, "no one in engineering could find a cause sir-"

He was interrupted by the ship's return to life, the hum of machinery filling their ears once again as Kirk let out an audible sigh of relief, "Looks as though the universe was looking out for us after all." He smiled, addressing the crew. Spock smiled to himself, he now knew personally of the universe's kindness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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