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I can't tell you what I'm thinking right now

 Mild smut - 1.2k words

"Oh come on Doctor, you've been all over time and space, one time can't hurt!" Jack exclaimed, the Doctor still firmly pinned underneath him. He attempted to remove Jack's arms with little success, rewarding a small battle and a huge grin. "I don't. Kiss. Companions!" He said, finally laying his body down in defeat.

Jack laughed, pushing his hair back, impressively staying strong over the doctor's body, he tried not to think about it. "I'm sure Rose would be very sad to hear that!" he grinned, his white teeth sparkling and irritating amount, it's like the man is a walking toothpaste add! 
"Oi, you! I don't let personal feelings get in the way either!" which particular feelings he was talking about he couldn't be sure, but he could tell by the look in Jack's eyes that it hadn't helped his case.

 "One kiss and I won't tell her you said that" 
"That's bribery"
"I know, it's only fair"
"I could file you for harassment"
"You wouldn't though."
"Maybe I would, you don't know me that well captain cheesecake!"
"Well now look who's flirting, this is just unfair!"
"you're on top of me, I am just an innocent victim"
"I would like to add that holding this position is very impressive an-"

The TARDIS lurched with a large wheezing noise, throwing Jack down the other end of the console room, the Doctor chuckled and adjusted his jacket. "She doesn't like you!"
"This stupid piece of tin never wanted me to get any action, I swear it changed course once just so we would miss out on that nudist planet!" Jack muttered, kicking the console. 
"She's just doing us some public service" the doctor grinned, happy he could tease Jack now without the worry of a hot man sitting on top of him, "but if you insist, I'll let you buy me dinner first."

"Oh no, I don't do deals, sir"

"Is that all I can get for you two gentlemen?" the waiter asked, skillfully scooping the menus off the table as the doctor shook his head. The small dinner wasn't exactly what the Doctor had in mind, but a begrudging compromise from Jack was good enough for him, especially the grumpy look on his face. "So where's your girlfriend anyway?" Jack said in a brooding voice, causing the Doctor to make a mental note to embarrass him as much as possible in future. "Rose is visiting home, thank you very much. So looks like I'm stuck with you." Even though technically Jack could leave whenever he wanted, he felt like stuck was better terminology, the walking cheese machine didn't show any signs of wanting to disappear.  

"Couldn't you just do a quick hop forward in time, fetch her from there? Or do you really want to be stuck with me eh?" Today really wasn't the Doctor's day. he sighed as Jack grinned and picked up a nearby glass, spinning it in his hands. "I could've, but we decided-" he noted, grabbing the glass out of Jack's hand's before he broke it, "to give me a bit of time to myself as well." 
"Ahhh, I see, lovers tiff, bad luck doc." how Jack managed to be so insistent was unfathomable to him, he thought as he saw yet another smirk coming on. Although he had to admit to himself, the same thought had occurred to him, he really had no idea why Rose had suggested he take a bit of time to himself. Of course, he had hoped it was because (as she had said) 'he spent too much time running after her and should spend a little time looking at what he had in his reach'.
"There comes a time in a man's life where he get's bored of bloody Americans calling him 'doc'" he sighed, staring intently at Jack, "now if you don't mind, I'm going to the loo." which of course was a complete lie, but a better option than a dinner he really hadn't thought through. "I didn't know lord's of time had to pee, not very regal" he heard Jack call from the table as he strolled away.

 He held his breath as he pushed open the door to the empty, white tiled bathroom. Public toilets on earth were by far the worst things he had ever encountered in his 900 years of exploring time and space; definitely not somewhere he had imagined a being such as himself to be hiding from an American bimbo. He had been right to cover his nose; before he had even noticed the grime on the cracked tiles, he smelt it. wow. I'd take an angry auton over this any day. Just as he began to check himself out in the mirror he heard the sound of the door swinging open, and it was just his luck. Out of the corner of his eye, he spied the plain white shirt and crappy jeans that belonged to a youngJack Harkness.

"Well this is disappointing, I was really hoping to catch a look"

The Doctor didn't sigh this time, two can play  at this game.
"Feel free to come back later" He grinned, instantly regretting his decision and mentally kicking himself for even thinking of it in the first place.

"I'm just kidding around" Jack stated, making his way towards the Doctor, "come back, fill up on bread and then we'll go collect Barbie, sound like a plan?" 

The Doctor's eyes flared as he made his way towards the oh so cocky Jack, "Don't you dare call her that" he hissed his accent coming through much stronger than before, but his tone wasn't angry, it was something else entirely. "well" gasped Jack, "this is not what I was expecting-"

Before Jack had time to register what was happening, he felt the Doctors mouth slam against his, the weight of him pushing him back into a wall, but as it was jack, it didn't take long before he was the one doing the pushing. The Doctor lay back as Jack hungrily kissed down his neck, clearly trying to mark him, earning a smile from the Time Lord, "told you you'd like it" Jack whispered in his ear. He had to admit, he did. Determined to not give jack the satisfaction, he said nothing,  just pulled Jack closer to him and helped him pull off his shirt through kisses. His eyes lingered on Jack's toned torso for a little longer than he liked before he threw his leather jacket on the floor and returned to Jack's mouth, kissing along his jawline because wow, it was really something. "Could've picked a nicer spot Doc" Jack joked, his voice breathless and moist, "shut up" the Doctor growled as he brang his eyes to meet Jacks. Both were breathing heavily, trying to decide the next move, if there was going to be one, however the creak of the door interrupted them and a very confused man stood frozen in the doorway.

Jack took this as an alert that their time was over, winking at the stranger and beginning to move out from underneath The Doctor, but surprisingly he was held back. "He can come back later" He muttered, glaring at the man as he backed out. Jack stared at the Doctor, not that he was complaining one bit because damn this guy was good, and he didn't reject Jacks hand moving slowly down his body either.


They knocked on Rose's door together, she had already packed at TARDIS landing and opened the door with a squeal, opening her arms for a group hug. "You two have fun whilst I was away?" she joked, linking arms with both of them, The Doctor visibly blushed, making Jack giggle, "just a bit"

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