chapter 12

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Annie POV
I heard the water start to run so i knew Hayden was already in the shower. I grabbed my phone and face timed Katie. "Hey Kate!" i said as she answered the call. "Hey Ans! Hold on one sec while i get to my room." She walked for a few seconds until she closed the door and sat on her bed. "So, how's my movie star bestie?" she asked. I laughed. "I'm great. How about you?" "Oh i'm good. Miss my bff though!" "I miss you too!" i was trying my hardest not to get upset. "How has LA been treating you?" "Awesome! it's been fun!" "I see you saw Hayden again? Are you okay? Ill fly up there and beat him up if i need too!" I laughed at her. She and Mary Kate are the only people, other than mommy, daddy and Hayley, that know about what happened. Hayley doesn't really get it anyways. "That's actually part of why i called you. The other part was that i missed you way to much!" She laughed "Okay well lemme hear it!" I took a deep breath and began to tell her everything. "So when we first got here, i wanted nothing to do with him. Absolutely nothing. Then, when we were walking up the stairs with our luggage, i tripped and he caught me. Then later, we were at dinner and i was freezing. He gave me his jacket and told me to keep it. Then, we hugged. Then yesterday, we had dinner with them after my meeting. I was starting to cry because i was stressed and really was missing home...and Caleb. He tried to comfort me, but i just started to cry more. I went outside and my mom met me out there and we talked. We went back inside and he put his hand on my knee and i felt weird. like a good weird. i don't know. Anyways, today on beam half my foot missed the beam and i fell and got a huge bite on the back of my thigh. Then we went swimming and Hayden pushed me in, it was funny but the chlorine started to burn my scratch so i got out and laid down. Hayden came out of the water and thought that the entire thing was his fault, because when i got nervous he cheered me on and he thought it distracted me. He was really worried about me, but it was just some stinging. Then today when i was doing school, he was starting at me. I asked him what and he said that i looked very concentrated and we both blushed. And now, they want us to sing a duet, a love duet, at the rock your hair event. So basically, point of the story, i like Hayden." Katie's jaw dropped. "Annie...are you sure? You remember what happened last time...right? You were upset and you- "I'm sure Katie. It's just something about him...i don't know! i just know one thing, that i like him." i quickly realized that the shower water had turned off, but i didn't know how long it had been off. I hoped it had just turned off. Luckily, as if on cue, Mommy walked through the door with the pizza. "I'm so sorry i have to go so soon Katie but dinner just got here. I love you and miss you soooo much!" "I love you too Ans! Keep me updated okay? i miss ya!" "Got it! Bye Kate!" and with that i hung up. "Hey Annie! You brought your camera so you can vlog when i leave right?" "Yeah Mom!" i called back. I really hope Hayden didn't hear that thing about me liking him.

Hayden POV
"...i don't know! i just know one thing, that i like him." i had just gotten out of the shower and just turned off the water to hear this conversation that Annie was having with someone, about someone. Maybe it's me...nah. Then i hear someone walk through the door. I hear Annie say good bye, and i soon realized she was talking to Katie. Then i heard Mrs.Katie's voice." Pizza is here? Is Hayden still in the shower?" by this time i was fully dressed. "Yeah I guess s-" i cut Annie off by walking out of her room. "Nope! Right here!" They laughed and i followed Annie to the table. We sat down and started to eat. Mrs.Katie was vlogging and we were trying to see who has the best country accent. "I think i have the best, since i was born in Texas." "Well
let's hear it, country boy." Annie smirked at me. "Hey y'all!" i said in a terrible country accent. Annie died laughing. Then she knocked over her water which made her laugh even harder. She literally couldn't stop laughing and her laugh made me laugh. Then Mrs. Katie started laughing. We were all laughing so hard we could barely breathe. "Why are you guys having so much fun without me?" we looked over to see Rebecca standing in the living room. We were laughing so hard we didn't even notice her come in. Everyone sat in silence for a second until Annie started busting out laughing again. We all started to laugh along until our stomachs hurt. "It's times like these that i love!" Mrs.Katie said into the camera, and i couldn't agree more. We had just finished eating and now we were on the couch watching a movie. Mrs.Katie was laying down in Annie's room and Rebecca and Matt were in their room. It was about 11:45 and we were just about in the middle of our movie when Annie fell asleep. Eventually, i dozed off as well.

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