chapter 52

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Annie POV
We just pulled up to the apartment after dropping off Hayden and Mr. Jimmy at their apartment. Mommy, Matt, Rebecca, Paige, and I all grabbed our bags out of the back of the car and started for the stairs. "How do you guys do this? It's like my bag is purposely getting stuck on the stairs!" Paige exclaimed as she and Mommy struggled to drag their bags up the concrete stairs. "Guess we just do this a lot!" I laughed along with everyone else. Eventually, Mommy and Paige made it to the top where we've been waiting for them. Rebecca unlocked the door and we all headed in. Paige and I were sharing my bed and Mommy was getting a blow up mattress in the living room for the time that they were staying. We all headed our own separate ways into our rooms to unpack our things. I led Paige into my
room and set my bag down. She did the same before shutting and locking my door. I looked at her, confused, and she gave me that same evil smirk that i've seen about 475 times today already. "So," and started as she jumped onto my bed, "let's talk about your boooyyyyfrrriennd!" she said while smiling. "He isn't my boyfriend, just my best friend." i say, trying my best to deny the fact that we kissed twice. "Best friends don't kiss!" she practically screamed. "Paige! Shut up, no one else can know!" i glared at her. I bet everyone in the apartment heard her. Then, of course, someone knocked on my bedroom door. I could feel my face go pale and my eyes go wide. If that is my mom, Hayden and I will never ever ever be able to be around each other again. Paige looked at me with the same look I had. She got up and went to open the door. Rebecca was standing there on her phone. "Annie your mom wants you to change into some nicer clothes for when we go meet Vanessa at her studio later. We are gonna go to dinner after with the Summerall family after." She looked up at us. A smile grew onto my face as she mentioned the Summeralls. "Okay!" I smiled at her. "I'm not even gonna pretend that I didn't hear the word kiss though, so who kissed who?" Rebecca smiled at us as she walked into my room. My mind went blank. "Nothing!" i blurted out quickly, which didn't even have anything to do with what she asked us. "Where is my mom?" i asked, changing the subject. "Okay? And she left her phone in the car, so she went to grab it." she looked really confused. I let out a breath i didn't know I was holding. "Okay well we are going to change now byyeeee!" I rushed her out the door. I shut and locked it before looking back at Paige. "You know, for an actress, you could've handled that just a little smoother." she teased. I rolled my eyes and headed over to my closet to find something to wear. "Okay, so maybe we are more than just best friends, but we aren't dating. I'm not allowed to until I am 14, and he says he will wait until I can date." I explained to her. Her face lit up. "That is so cute!! Young romance is just everything!" she put her hands dramatically over her heart. I rolled my eyes and grabbed some blue skinny jeans off the hanger. I laid it down on the bed and saw Paige heading towards her suitcase. "So what is your favorite thing about Hayden?" she asked as she rummaged through her completely over packed suitcase. "Why are we still talking about this?" i groaned as I turned to her. "Just answer it Mrs. Sassafrass!" she says to me. "Fine. Probably his smile. Or his sense of humor, or his hair. I love his hair, it's just so curly. I also love his personality, and how much he loves Hayley!" i was starting to zone out thinking about him. "Oh my goodness you two are just two stinkin adorable!!! You love him, and he loves you! You love each other! Ah!" she went off. My face turned red and I looked down at my feet. I looked back at my clothes and grabbed a blush colored shirt that was kinda long and had little holes in it. I laid it down on top of the jeans. (outfit up top for show) "Oooo cute outfit! Trying to impress your little crush I see?" Paige smiled at me. I saw it coming. "Sure, if that will make you happy Paige." I leaned down to look for a pair of shoes to wear with my outfit. "Oh, it does! I'm gonna grab a shower, then we can watch a movie to take up some time before we have to leave." she told me. "Okay. Shampoo and conditioner is in there already." i said. She nodded and headed into the bathroom. I picked out some white high top converse and held them up to my outfit. "Perfect." I said out loud to myself. My phone started ringing, and I made my way around my bed to it. I looked down and smiled at what I saw. Hayden😊💞 would like to facetime... It read. I picked it up and answered. "Hi there cutie!" he said as it connected. My face went red and I rolled my eyes. "Right back at ya bestie! What's up?" I asked as I took a seat on my bed. "Nothing much. I'm bored and miss you." he said as he set his phone down on something. "I miss you too, even though it's been like an hour!" i said as i switched from sitting to laying on my stomach. "An hour too long! I'm so excited for tomorrow, i think that the show is going to be awesome!" he said as he sat in front of his phone. "Yeah, me too. They are showing the first 3 episodes and I think everyone will love them! It's been super fun filming them. I feel like it's gonna be weird watching ourselves on TV." i said to him. "Eh, it'll be like watching ourselves on youtube and commercials and things." he said to me. "I guess your right. Just on actual TV, like a show. I'm excited to see how it all came out though." "Me too." he responded to me. "Paige is done getting ready, so i'm
gonna start. I'll see you later, love you Hay!" i blew a kiss through the camera. "Love you too Ans! See you in a little!" he blew me a kiss back. I ended the call and looked over at Paige and she had that same stupid little smirk on her face that i've seen 67 too many times today. The rest of their stay is gonna be just great.

Sorry for a sucky chapter, next chapter has a hannie moment!!!!! get your hearts prepared guys! Have y'all heard about the #hanniehairtie? So basically Annie for some reason gave Hayden a blue hair tie and he wears it all the time! it's been spotted on both Annie and Hayden's wrists, so we know that it used to belong to Annie. GUYS I JUST LOVE HANNIE!!

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