chapter 29

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Hayden POV
We just left and we are on our way to drop off Kenzie. I still don't understand why Annie was so upset. We stayed for about 10 more minutes after Annie and Rebecca left. "Did you hear about Carson and Annie?" Kenzie asked me. I looked over and shook my head. "Well Carson told me that he likes Annie, and while we were in the bathroom, she said that she likes him too!! And he posted a picture with Annie and commented hearts on it, and she commented back with hearts! Now everyone is shipping them! #Cannie!!" she had a huge smile on her face. The smile that crept onto my face at the mention of Annie's name faded, did she really like him? How come she acted the way she did when we are together? So that is who she was talking about on the phone. That makes sense now. I also knew i was right about the comments now. Maybe i should ask Annie...or tell her about the call.

Annie POV
We finally pulled up to the apartment. The whole ride here was silent, except for the radio. We got out and headed upstairs. I went into my room and changed my clothes into more comfortable clothes. "Annie, do you want to help me decorate the house and make the cake for Matt?" Rebecca called from the kitchen. I walked out and nodded my head. We first decorated the door, on the outside, then we put up streamers and put balloons all over the floor. Then we got a poster and made a "Welcome Home Matt!!" sign to hang up, then we made another to hold at the airport. Lastly, we started on the cake.

Hayden POV
We dropped Kenzie off, and when she got out, i noticed something shiny on her seat. I grabbed it and looked at it, it was Annie's necklace. It wasn't just any old necklace, but it was the one with her brother Caleb's thumb print on it. "Dad, i think Annie left her necklace in here, can we bring it over to her? It's really special to her." he nodded his head and we pulled out of Kenzie's drive way. When did she leave it in here? She had it on at dinner...i think. I don't remember. Oh well.

Annie POV
The cake was in the oven, and we were making the icing and deciding how we are going to decorate it. We decided on blue frosting with red sprinkles, and we are going to write "Welcome home Matt!" on top with frosting. "Hey Annie." i turned around and Rebecca smashed icing in my face. I gasped and grabbed the icing from behind me, and smeared some on her face. She screamed, and we started to put icing all over each other. We were screaming and putting icing all over each other, it was so funny!!! Then we put sprinkles on the icing so they stuck to our face. We looked likes cupcakes! We were just laughing and screaming and putting icing and sprinkles on each other when Rebecca stopped and looked over my shoulder. I turned around and saw Hayden and Mr. Jimmy videoing us, Hayden was videoing on his phone and Mr. Jimmy had the camera. "IT WAS HER IDEA!" i yelled. "SHE STARTED IT!"  Rebecca screamed as i screamed. Basically, we screamed in unison. It went silent for a moment. We both started dying laughing and Hayden and Mr. Jimmy started laughing as well. Once we all calmed down, Rebecca asked them why they were here. "We found this in the back seat of our car, so we decided to run it over." Hayden said holding up my Caleb necklace. My eyes lit up and i ran over and grabbed it. I took it off at dinner and then i all of the sudden couldn't find it, so
i thought Rebecca might've grabbed it, then i just forgot about it. "Thank you thank you thank you!" i hugged him then pulled away. He laughed and i walked back over to Rebecca to grab my phone. I looked at Hayden's story and saw that he had snapchatted when they came in and saw us covered in icing, then when we blamed each other. I laughed and showed Rebecca. "So what are you two doing exactly?" Mr. Jimmy asked us. The kitchen was a mess, the house was decorated, and we were covered in icing, so i get why he was sorta confused. "Making a cake for Matt. He comes home from his month long mission trip tomorrow, so we decorated and stuff." he nodded. The oven beeped so Rebecca went to grab the cake. "Well, its late, so we are gonna head out." Mr. Jimmy said to us. "Alrighty! Maybe we can meet up tomorrow! Bye Jimmy, bye Hayden!" Rebecca called out to them. "Bye Hayden, bye Mr.Jimmy! Thanks again soooo much for bringing my necklace back!" "No problem! Bye bestie!" He called out and they left. Wait...but how did my necklace get there? I didn't go into their car at all after dinner, and neither did Rebecca. Maybe they saw it on the table when we were leaving and grabbed it. Who cares, i'm just happy to have it back. While we let the cake cool, we both took showers to get all of the icing off our faces and out of our hair. I changed into a pair of pajama shorts and a bratayley shirt. I brushed my hair and headed out to help Rebecca. She wasn't out of the shower yet, so i sat down on the couch and scrolled through my phone. I got a text from Hayden, so i clicked on it. It said "So, you and Carson huh? Is #Cannie real?" WHAT?!!?

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