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My name was Tavelier. Key word: was. I am the daughter of King Thranduil and Queen Instira. I'm the older sister of Prince Legolas, Prince Maleorn, and Princess Zoena. I'm two thousand years older than Legolas, two thousand and two years older than Maleorn, and two thousand and thirty nine years older than Zoena. I was always locked up in the kingdom, but my siblings got to go out and do what they wanted. I decided it was time for a change. My life would change drastically, but I never forgot who I had been or where I had come from. I would change my identity, my name, my appearance, my actions. No one would recognize me again, unless I told them who I was. I never intended to let anyone know. People would come to fear me, and I would be fine with it. It would show my father that I am not weak as he assumes I am. I will show the whole of Middle-Earth that a woman can be a fighter and survive things no one should have to live through. I will start with a bit of background history of myself, so you know who I was before I changed to Shadow.

The Shadow (A Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Story) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now