The Chase

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Shadow's POV

    "Shadow! Wake up!"

    A voice shook me to my core. There was fear in the voice, making my eyes open in a split second. I sat up straight and looked around. The Dwarves were circled around me, looking worried.

    "What happened?" I asked.

    "Well, you sort of seemed to drift between awake and asleep. We weren't sure what was happening. Are you okay?" Fili asked.

    "I'm fine. Really, don't worry. I am stronger than I look. After all, I did fight a dragon," I teased, referring to the rumor that I had fought Smaug, thereby gaining the scars.

    They all laughed, standing up and moving away. I noticed Gandalf and Radagast had just rejoined the group. I was about to say something when a howl cut me off. I froze, slowly going for my new bow. It was time to see if it was as good as it looked.

    "Was that a wolf? Are there - are there wolves out there?" Bilbo asked nervously.

    "No that was not a wolf," Bofur answered, looking around.

    I heard the Warg before I saw. The second I did, I shot the beast. It tumbled down the slope, where Dwalin killed it. Another Warg came from the other direction. Kili shot it down before Thorin plunged his sword into its skull.

    "Warg Scouts. Which means an Orc pack is not far behind," I muttered.

    "Orc pack?" Bilbo repeated, not quite able to wrap his mind around it.

    "Who did you tell of you quest, besides your kin?" Gandalf asked, looking right at Thorin.

    "No one," he answered.

    "Who did you tell?!" Gandalf thundered.

    "No one, I swear!" Thorin snapped back.

    "You're being hunted," the Wizard informed us.

    "We need to leave," I said.

    "We can't. The ponies have bolted," Ori called out.

    "I'll draw them off," Radagast said.

    "These are Gundabad Wargs. They will outrun you," Gandalf argued.

    "These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I'd like to see them try," the Brown Wizard answered.

    Radagast didn't wait for a reply. He jumped on his sled and raced off. I sighed, shaking my head. The Orc pack did indeed chase the poor Wizard, though he seemed to be having the time of his life, shouting insults and taunting them. Gandalf led the way through the wilderness of the plain, hiding behind rock formations as often as possible. We saw Radagast a few times, being chased by Orcs and Wargs. Every time we saw him, we ducked behind the nearest rock formation. I knew where Gandalf was leading us and knew that Thorin was not going to be happy. After about fifteen minutes of running, we were hiding behind a rock when a Warg with his rider jumped on top of it. Thorin looked at me and Kili, motioning to our bows. We nodded, slowly drawing an arrow and nocking it. I gave Kili a look that said 'follow my lead.' He nodded, waiting for me to make the first move. The second I jumped out from behind the rock, Kili followed. We both shot the creatures on the rock, causing them to fall to the ground, where the Dwarves finished them off. However, the screeches the animals made was enough to draw the attention of the rest of the pack. I groaned, knowing that we were going to have to run and not stop. The pack was coming right towards us.

    "Quickly! Follow Shadow!" Gandalf shouted.

    The Dwarves did as they were told. I had occasionally left the Mountains in the middle of the night, spending at least a few months away, exploring the Wilderness. I knew the land better than the most experienced Ranger. The Dwarves had no clue as to where we were going, and I was grateful for that. If they did know, we would have a problem of arguing. We couldn't afford that.

    "There they are!" Gloin called out, pointing in the direction of the plains.

    We had reached a more hilly section of the open ground, and I doubled back to grab Gloin, dragging him to the rock I was keeping an eye out for. I found it and shoved him towards it.

    "Get to the rock over there!" I commanded, pointing at it.

    The Dwarves didn't hesitate, knowing better than to argue. The pack was now closing in on us from all sides. A group of five Wargs, all with riders, surrounded me.

    "Shadow!" Kili screamed.

    "Get out of here!" I shouted back.

    "I am not leaving you!" Fili called out.

    Three sets of footsteps came over to me, making me look back. That was a mistake, I soon realized. The creatures around me took my second hesitation to attack me. Sharp teeth sunk into my side as a sword was plunged into my shoulder. I gritted my teeth in pain but didn't cry out. I was stronger than that. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing me in pain. I killed the Warg, and it dropped me. I stumbled to my feet, backing up. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and saw Kili. We all turned and jumped into the small cavern. Sliding down the slope, my leg got caught in a crevice. Gravity and my momentum made a sickening snap! echo around the rock. The Dwarves grimaced at the sound, but I merely growled in anger. I grabbed the rock and pulled myself to my feet. I hissed slightly at the pain in my ankle but pushed it aside.

    "Shadow, are you okay?!" Kili cried, running over with his brother and uncle.

    "I will be okay. I'm stronger than this. A few cuts and a broken ankle can't stop me," I assured him.

    "Cuts? Cuts?! You got bitten by a Warg, and an Orc stabbed you in the shoulder! How do you call those 'cuts'?!" Fili asked incredulously.

    I laughed and shook my head. A hunting horn was heard above us, and the sounds of fighting broke out. I saw the Orc fall down the slope, making the Dwarves back up. An arrow was sticking out of the neck of the creature. Thorin pulled it out and examined it.

    "Elves!" he spat.

    He looked at me apologetically, but I waved it off. I was an Elf, but I wasn't to keen on them. Not after what Thranduil did at the ridge above Erebor. All he did was watch us burn to death. That made me angry, making me shoot the damn crown off his head. There was no way he was going to get away with it. If I ever ran into him on accident, I would punch him into the next century.

    "I cannot see where the pathway leads! Do we follow it or no?" Dwalin asked.

    "Follow it, of course!" Bofur answered.

    "I think that would be wise," Gandalf said.

    I smirked at him. I knew the Dwarves wouldn't be happy, but it was the only option we had.

    "They are not going to like this. Be ready for Thorin's outburst," I muttered to him.

    Gandalf chuckled, making me smile. We followed the path for about ten minutes, before emerging onto a flatter part of the land. A stream ran by next to us, dropping off into a waterfall. That wasn't what caught everyone's eyes though. It was the city the cliff was overlooking. The mountains surrounded a stone city, filled with elegant arches, walkways, fountains, and gardens. Waterfalls added to the picture of perfection. As expected, Thorin was not happy.

    "The Valley of Imladris. In the Common Tongue, it is known by another name," Gandalf said.

    "Rivendell," Bilbo breathed.

    "Here lies the Last Homely House East of the Sea," Gandalf continued.

    "This was your plan all along. To seek refuge with our enemies," Thorin accused, turning to the Wizard.

    "You have no enemies here. The only ill-will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself," he snapped back.

    "You think the Elves will give their blessing? They will try to stop us," Thorin asked.

    "Of course they will. This will require tact, respect, and no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me and Shadow," Gandalf replied.

    We made our way down to the city, crossing over the bridge. Bilbo was in awe of the city while the Dwarves were wary. I sighed, shaking my head at them. This was going to be a long day.

The Shadow (A Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Story) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now