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Edd was startled, to say the least, when a voice resonated through his skull. It sounded like his voice, although more deep and menacing. 

"You think you're getting better?!" the voice cackled hysterically, like the very thought was the most hilarious thing it had ever heard, "We're not done until I say so."

If Edd was conscious, he would have tilted his head in confusion. Not done? What?

"You know why the doctors say I'm here, right?" The voice continued,"' Trauma'," Edd could hear it scoffing. "No, Eddy. I've just been waiting for the perfect time to push through! Our friends are vulnerable, you're impressionable- Oh, Tordie left an opening for us!"

Edd was just getting more and more confused. Why did they need an opening? What in the world was the voice planning?

"Isn't it obvious, Eddy?! We can get the whole gang back together this way!"

What way?

"The news of us being in a mental institute will attract Tord! He was always curious about these kind of things. And for an extra touch, just to make sure he shows up, I added the black stuff! I don't know exactly what it is, but it's working!"

But, isn't this just going to attract unwanted attention too? The doctors were already conducting multiple experiments on Edd.

"We'll just wait until Tord comes back, and the pretend to get better! Then they'll let us go and the whole group will be back! Don't you want that, Edd? Don't you want to see them all happy and together? We were a family, Eddy!"

Edd contemplated it. It would be better than nice to start doing 'full cast' adventures again.

"I knew you'd agree! Now,there's just the problem of getting them to stay... Tom would need to stop fighting with Tord, and Tord would obviously give up his dreams of taking control of the world. They both need to stay and be happy with us! They have to, Eddy."

Edd completely agreed. He would've been nodding aggressively, if he was conscious.

"But for now, it's time for another round of barfing ooze!"

//this one was kinda weird to right, i apologize if it's kinda painful in a bad way//

What I'm Hiding - Horror!Edd- WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now