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Tom and Matt hadn't visited the asylum in a while.

They were honestly scared of what they would see.
The first couple times when they visited, Edd didn't exactly look like himself. His eyes had been glazed over and he constantly muttered to himself. Not to mention he was covered in sweat and that black stuff that the doctors still hadn't identified.
In Tom's opinion, the scientists were really incompetent.

Honestly (and Tom hated to admit this), Tord could find out what was wrong faster than any of those wannabes.

That thought process still didn't keep him from being surprised when he saw the devil haired man standing in the waiting room

Matt noticed their former friend as well, and darted forward from Tom's side.

"TODD!" He screeched, causing Tord to spin around.

Matt instantly glomped him before realizing-

"Wait a second...." the ginger slowly put the communist down, "YOU MESSED UP MY PRETTY, PRETTY FACE!!"

He spun around dramatically, and marched back to Tom's side. The black-eyed male had watched the entire exchange with a scowl.

Tord opened his mouth to respond, but Tom just barged past him and up to the front desk, Matt in tow.

The red clad man finally found his voice. "Wh-what're you two doing here? Where's Edd?"

Tom looked at him coldly. "Aren't you supposed to be an evil mastermind or some shit? Put two and two together, for godsake."

Tord's eyes widened.

"Is... Edd... Edd is a patient here?!"

Tom continued checking himself and Matt in, choosing not to respond.

Tord looked down at his invention. The tiny device had honed in on the room that the anomaly resided in, so out of pure curiosity, he asked which room the cola-loving brunette was in.

Tom was about to deny him the information when Matt blurted out: "Room #366!" And received a harsh glare from the slightly shorter male.

Tord paled. He looked back down at the device. 'Rm. No. 366' flashed an ugly crimson on the screen.

Edd. Cat loving, diet cola hating, adventurous Edd, caused that big of an Unusual Occurance warning?

Tord was suddenly anxious.
He had to see Edd right at that moment. No delays.

Even if he had to go in with Thomas and Matthew.

//*le gasp* we finally got to see tommy and matty, YAAAAY//

What I'm Hiding - Horror!Edd- WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now