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"That fucking bastard!"

Tom hadn't calmed down since Pau  told him that Tord had kidnapped Edd.

Matt and Pau watched him pace angrily around the room, kicking over chairs and just barely refraining from punching the walls.

Pau glanced over at Matt. "Is he normally like this?"

Matt just shrugged helplessly.

"I'll kill him," Tom said, coming to a stop in front of Pau, "I swear to god, I will."

Pau grimaced. No matter what Tord did to him or anyone else, he would never be comfortable at the thought of his death.

"Let's not het ahead of ourselves-"

"No! I've had it with him! First, he destroys our house and kills Jon, and now, he's kidnapped Edd. Who knows what he'll do next!"

Pau clasped his hands together n his lap, resisting the urge to argue. "Fine. Whatever. We'll just see what happens and improvise from there."

Tom begrudgingly agreed. "What's the plan?"


Edd couldn't remember were he was. He knew he was laying down on something. He knew terrible- painful- things were happening to him. But he didn't feel exactly... there. It was like he was floating through oblivion where all sensations were dulled.

For some reason, he felt such immense relief, that tears built up in his eyes. It was so nice here.

He felt his mouth open- felt shudders run through himself, but the sharp feeling of agony was gone.

He felt his bones break and reassemble before breaking again, and he couldn't care less.

A whisper ran through his mind. "That's it, Eddie. Relax. I'll take care of everything."

So Edd did. And the world slid from his view.


Tord panicked when Edd stopped breathing.

No, no, no! The exorcism wasn't complete yet!

He felt Edd's bones roll and shift under his skin, and stepped back in alarm. It was too late.

I shouldn't have wasted time with the experiment. Oh, god, what have I done?!

Tord watched in horror as Edd's body shook and spasmed. A loud crack sounded in the air as a rib ripped through the skin of Edd's chest.

The machines hooked to the brunette let off high pitched wails as Edd's vitals flew off the handle.

More bones snapped and reformed. Edd convulsed when the rest of his ribcage tore through to the outside in a crimson and ivory mess.

Tord heard a startled shout from the living room. Don't come in, he willed Pat. Guilt from the way he had treated his friends before weighed on his mind, and he desperately hoped Pat wouldn't get killed because of him. His wishing got him nowhere. Pat entered the room, terror written on his face. The man caught Tord's eye. I'm sorry, the Norwegian mouthed desperately to him.

Edd's jaw unhinged with a demonic shriek. Tord's eyes grew round as he realized his friend- no, the monster- had finally awoken.

Ghastly wails and screams came from the demon's mouth. Tord knew at that moment, no one would be left alive.

Oh god, Patryck. Paul. I'm so sorry.

//apologies for not updating in a while. I was kinda stuck with this chapter. But I know what I want to do to end this book, and I can't end it if I don't make the other chapters. So FINALLY I motivated myself enough to do it.//

What I'm Hiding - Horror!Edd- WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now