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Edd heard footsteps outside his door.

He had recently moved out of solitary confinement as he had been abnormally calm lately. The voice in his head told him that, in order to be reunited with the gang, he had to start behaving like a respectable citizen again. Edd was more than happy to oblige.

Slowly, the door to his room opened. Edd had to do a double-take when he saw his favorite people in the whole universe standing before him.

The voice giggled inside his head. It told Edd never to doubt it. Edd subtly nodded. Of course he wouldn't doubt the voice. The voice knew everything. The voice was always right.

The three men stood in the doorway, seemingly at a loss for what to do. Matt avoided his gaze and seemed like he was about to cry, Tom looked uncomfortable but Edd was pretty sure it was because of a certain red clad man, and Tord-

Edd stood up suddenly and practically threw himself at the Norwegian. He was so relieved that the body didn't dissolve and disappear like it had previous times. This was real. This Tord was really real.

Edd squeezed the man tightly, tears coming out of his eyes.

"You came back!" The cola lover sobbed, "He told me you would!"

Tord was at a loss. He had expected Edd to ignore him, or to glare, or maybe have a psychotic break down. Tear filled hugging wasn't anywhere on the list of possible reactions.

So Tord stood still, waiting for Edd to finish bawling; not registering the fact that Edd had mentioned a prediction from an unknown source.

Finally, Edd broke away from Tord and gave bone-crushing hugs to Matt and Tom.

The other three males started chatting with each other, leaving Tord to investigate the anomaly he had picked up.

His device scanned the room, occasionally beeping when it came to the black gunk on the wall. None of the stains caused it to go off the way it did earlier that week.

Eventually, he scanned over Edd, expecting more quiet beeping. He was wrong. The device went off like an extremely annoying alarm clock.

//salutations! Did school start for you yet? It started for me! Anyways, here's another chappy. Xoxoxoxo//

What I'm Hiding - Horror!Edd- WATTYS2018Where stories live. Discover now