Only human

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Only human

disclaimer: i do not own any of these characters or victorious

im sorry if the spelling or grammar is wrong im very dyslexic

Chapter 1: for better or worse

I had been a week since Tori sang at the Platinum Music Awards and a week since Beck and Tori almost kissed, once while Jade was listening. Since then Tori had not stopped thinking about it which only confused things further, in her mind she knew it was wrong that her and beck had almost kissed due to the fact that he was Jade's ex-boyfriend and they were just starting to become something close to friendship.

Then again, her heart was telling her that it was so right for her and beck to kiss each other and so much more which was reinforced every time they touch no matter how big or small. Everything within that week had went back to normal or close to it.

Only Andre and Beck had really noticed that Tori had been avoiding Beck totally and had avoided long conversations with Jade in case the subject of her and Beck should came up , although she wasn't sure why it would. That was until the Friday when Robbie suggested that the gang should try out a new restaurant that just opened, Tori's mind was racing with reasonable excuses till she realised that she had no choice but to go since Andre was staying at her place that night.

When Friday night arrived, Tori went into her room and decided that she would wear her dark green skirt with a white lace top to go with her black blazer and her her dark green heels, thinking that it fancy enough for going with her friends but not too fancy that would some people the wrong impression. While she was fixing her dark long curly hair into a messy style and putting on the last finishing touches to her smoky eyes and rose red lips, when she heard her phone going off.

Andre: I'm assuming that since you haven't called to cancel with some weird excuse that you're still coming, so I'll pick you up in 10

Tori: yeah I'm coming but its okay I can walk to the restaurant its only 5 minutes from my place

Andre: okay as if I'm going to allow you a opportunity to get out this by mysteriously get lost from a to b

Tori: why is it so important that I come tonight?

Andre: because you to get past whatever issues you have with Bade ( you know jade and beck)

Before she had a chance to reply to his message she heard a honk from outside so she grabbed her brown leather messenger bag and ran down the stairs. As she enter the car she could see that Andre had his overnight bag with him for their sleepover tonight, she also noticed that he had dressed to impressed and she knew why.

" really? A shirt...blazer, do you think that are going to suspect something " she asked as she looked him and down, he turned and did the same to her

" they might but seeing as you have been avoiding two of them for the last week and only one has noticed I think not plus you're dressed awfully nice" he said as if to suggestion a reason for her dressing up other than meeting their friends for dinner

after a while Tori went quiet,sucked by her thoughts. Andre took a sneak peek at his best friend to see what was going with her

" hey Tor, you know you can tell me anything right? I would never judge only ever help. I'm worried about you" he said gently as he parked outside the restaurant, trying to search her face for any answers

" yeah I will tonight at my place, promise?" she said as she attempting to smile for his sake

they both got out of the car and headed inside where they met everyone else who had already been seated, unfortunately the only two seats where the one next to Beck and Cat or the one next to Robbie and Jade. So Tori choose the lesser of the both evils and sat next to Jade and Robbie, overall the whole night had went well meaning that Tori was chatty. She was almost back to her normally self, that was until the meal was over and she went to the bathroom to freshen her make up. When she came out, she heard a voice she knew all too well.

"Hey there, stranger" the voice said with a hint of sadness and a hint of cockiness if he knew that she would be there, just hoping she would walk past and speak to him was more like it

"And here I thought only Humpty Dumpty leaned against walls" she quipped back at him, in her mind a confrontation near the toilets of the restaurant where all of their friends could over here them was not ideal

"You know, I remember a time when we used to talk the time, a time when you didn't avoid me. Making up stupid excuses as why we can't hang out together, making sure that we don't bump into each in the hallway" he said after a small period of silence, he used tone that she had never heard him use before, one of total hurt

" I did what I thought was right,Beck. I mean ..... a week ago we almost kiss twice and yeah the second time I stopped it because of Jade but maybe it for the best" she rambled on as she tried to sort her mind out

" forget Jade ok? We broke up remember? We're friends now which she doesn't really get a say in who I kiss or even who I date" he said on the verge of shouting at her, he couldn't that she was Jade as an excuses and even if it was true after everything Jade had done to her, she was still going to nice to her.

" are you seriously trying to tell me that my life wouldn't be a living hell if we started going out? No sorry that came out wrong... what I meant was that we started dating then Jade would make my life hell and we both know it" she said gently as she finally started to tell him the truth

"Tell me you don't have feeling for me and I'll never bring up the subject of us again" he said gently while silently praying that she says the words he's imagined her saying a thousand times in his head

" ok I don't have ... any feelings for you" she lied as she struggled to get the words out, hating her self for saying them as soon as she said them

taking a step closer to her, closing in the gap between till they could feel each other's ragged breath on their skin

" I don't believe you" he whispered as he leaned towards her as he gently kissed the girl he had been dreaming since the day she spilled coffee on him

the sweet gently kiss soon turned into a passionate desperate kiss as they finally let go all the feelings that they had kept to get for so long. Beck puled her in close by grabbing at her waist with both hands, where as Tori kept one hand on his cheek and the other running through his messy brown hair. After a while of kissing each like this and seeing no end of ever stopping, they suddenly a loud gasp followed by an outraged "OH MY GO". Thy both turned and saw a wide eyed Jade staring at them

Tori quickly detached her self from Beck and ran out the door of the restaurant where she found Andre's car. By the time she had entered it, she allowed her tears to flow freely which Andre had noticed

" hey, what happened in there" he said just as he saw a shocked Beck running out of the restaurant most likely after Tori

" I'll explain everything when we get home but right now just drive" she whispered as she watched Beck look for her till he saw Andre's car pull out

Beck tried to chase after it and even banged on Tori's windows but whatever he did Andre would not slow down, all the while doing he was shouting out her name


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