Chapter 17: make it shine part 1

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only human Chapter 17: make it shine part 1, a victorious fanfic | FanFiction

Thanks for all the reviews, following and favourites and suggestion it really helped me out, I'm really gratefully for it and im really glad you like it. Please remember to let me know what you think about my story . I love hearing what people think. Also im sorry its late

Chapter 17: Make it Shine part 1

the next day Tori woke up with a knot in her stomach as she slowly got up from her bed and fixed her pyjamas before going down stairs to find a not from her parents telling her that they needed to go out to do some shopping and thought she need the sleep so they didn't want her before leaving but they'd be back before they needed to leave to go to showcase. Tori was kinda of thankful that her parents had left for most of the day since she need the time and space to practice without being questioned. She slowly looked through her notebook of lyrics and decided on a song that with a little work would have the desired effect she wanted. Before getting to work she sent a quick text Andre since she knew Beck was busy getting a costume fitting and Andre would be on a break.

Tori: picked a song so I'll spend the day working on it and stuff, hows things going on your side

Andre: ok if you need any help or whatever with the song then web cam me, Robbie texted me about two minutes ago saying he's worked things out with Sinjin who is going to be a look out for Helena while Robbie does the lighting

Tori: ok what about Cat? I mean the way I see it I cant come too fancy cause that would tip my parents off

Andre: I guessed as much so she's set up a place where you can dressed plus she'll do you hair and whatnot and she'll send you pictures of the suggested outfits for you to pick from. What instruments do you need

Tori: I guess I need piano and a drum kit although it light on the drums , the music is really soft and gentle. Is that okay?

Andre: its different from your usual music which is good, i've got to go. I'll keep you updated

with that she decided to get started since she had a lot of work to do and not at lot of time to do it in

At Hollywood Arts

Beck had spent the morning in the dressing room being fitted for his costumes which were a pair of black dance pants and only that for his combat performance and for his musical performance he was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and white tshirt that was going under a red checkered shirt with red converse shoes. Since his combat performance was near the end of the showcase he had arranged to meet Tori and Cat at their secret hideout so that he could sneak her onto the stage without anyone see them. He knew that this plan was faulty and there was so many things that go wrong with it like everyone being involved getting kicked out of school but honestly if it meant the love of his life could get a chance a doing what she loved, he would do it a thousand times over. Beck went into one of the music rooms where they were currently calling base from project get tori back into school, the title was a working progress.

" hey what's the latest?" he asked as he grabbed a chair while opening his water bottle to take a sip of it

" Tori texted and said she's working on the song so that's covered, Robbie is mentally trying to work the lighting, Cat is currently on a shopping spree to find what she calls the perfect let-Tori-back-in-shes-amazing outfit plus a place where she would set up base" Andre said summarising what had been going on since the last time he asked

"you know I really hope this works cause I cant stand to see her in that place any more, you know sometimes she would come to mine and just cry because she felt that she couldn't be her" he said knowing that this was something Andre probably already knew

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