Chapter 9:playing with fire

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only human Chapter 9: playing with fire, a victorious fanfic | FanFiction

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Chapter 9: playing with fire

" what the hell is going on? Please tell me it's not what I think?!" said Robbie knowing that if it was what he was thinking then he would have to be the on to tell Jade and Andre and he didn't like the image of scissors being thrown at his head

" it's not what you think" Tori said unsure how they would be able to spin this one as she pulled away from Beck who was still recovering from being caught by Robbie

" so what is it?" Robbie said not believing her but was willing to believe anything as along as it wasn't that they had gotten together behind their backs

"Sikowitz said yesterday that the kiss in our scene was not believable enough so he thought we should spend the day together, then at the end try the kiss again" she said as she began to feel bad at how good at lying she was becoming

"I'm guessing since you thought that we were together, I think that it's improved so yay us" Beck said as his voice was shaking every so slightly

" you guys aren't together?" Robbie said just to be sure, knowing more was going on than what they were saying

" what? Us no-" " me and Tori? Together? Eww gross" they said at the same time very nervously, Beck talked a little longer than Tori earning him a dirty look for saying the last part

" because if you were, you know together, you should tell Jade due to your history with her and you should tell Andre because he's your best friend Tori" Robbie said trying to hide the fact he was giving them some advice

" any ways what are doing here at this time of night" Beck said as he tried to distract from the topic of them

" me an Cat have talking most of the day apart from when I had my class with Sikowitz so I thought I would go for a walk and get some food" he said still unsure what was going on

" so you and Cat have been talking a lot lately?" Tori asked hoping to swift the conversion onto them and away from her and Beck

" yeah well we're friends, close friends, nothing more. I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow on the bus" he said as he walked down the hall, Beck and Tori went into their room in fear of being caught any further

" we have got to be more careful or we might as well as take an ad out on the school newspaper announcing our relationship" Tori said panicking, Beck saw this so he got closer to her as a way to comfort her

" it's ok it was just Robbie plus soon everyone will know" he said calming her down

for the rest of the night they packed their bags so that they were ready to go in the morning with no real hassle. Once they were finished they snuggled up on Tori's bed talking about everything from their favourite foods to the more serious things like what will their parents think about the other one. Soon it was time for them to get for ready for bed and go to sleep in their separate eds in case they were caught somehow. In the morning they quickly eat their breakfast so they could get dressed and meet everyone at the us on time, stealing quick kisses whenever they could. When they got there, they could sense was going on.

" hey guys, what's going on?" Tori said trying to sound brave and normal at the same time

" how could you two not tell us?" Jade said clearly angry and annoyed at them, they both started panicking as they placed their bags into the bus's trunk

" tell you what?" Beck said as he began to feel faint as he imaged the things Jade would do in order to get her revenge on them

" are you seriously telling me you didn't know? Jade said as she became more and more frustrated with them, knowing that they knew what she was talking about

" guys, it's best if you just tell us the truth ok? No one is going to be angry with you" Andre said as he tried to reason with them

"we seriously don't know what you're talking about" Tori said standing her ground until one of them came right out and said it, she couldn't help but notice that Robbie was on the bus looking at them nervously through the window

" wait you don't know who is partnered with who for other showcase classes?" Jade said shocked that they didn't know before them

"I thought that the acting class was the only one we had partners for?" Beck said partly confused and partly relieved that they didn't know about him and Tori

"yeah it is but for the classes and sections of the showcase we have mentor type people who come in and help us" Andre said as he tried to understand why they seemed so strange

" oh wow so when do we find out who we are working with?" Tori said all of sudden very excited, forgetting about her previous worry

" well apparently it was posted on the school noticed board an hour a go but no one is telling us anything so we have to wait till we are back in school" Jade said as she sent threatening message to people in an attempt to find out

" ok when do we start work with them?" Beck said as he and Tori began to enter the inside of bus and take their seats

"I think once we've been home and grabbed the stuff that we need" Andre said as he looked up to a silent and guilty looking Robbie, signally that he would be with him soon

" you were brilliant,J seriously you really had them going" Andre said once Tori and Beck were out of hearing distance

" I know did you see the panic in their faces? What next? Do we tell them?" Jade said as she finally let out the laughter she had kept together while talking to Beck and Tori

"well I think since they kept this from us for a couple of days, they deserve to be punish so I think you what to do" Andre said as he planned on making his friends pay for lying to him

" that I do as do you" Jade said smiling as she thought about how much funny this was going to be

soon they started to head back to school where they would find who they would be working with, Tori and Beck texted each other discussing the fact that they had to tell the gang soon before they found another way. Tori sat thought about the showcase where different people would like agents, record label people, producers, directors and such would be in the audience. Which is why everyone in the junior and senior class was to take park and perform at least three skills for three classes, Tori's was dance, acting and of singing. Soon they arrived at school, she had to wake up Beck but hated to do so because she loved to just watch him sleep since he seemed so young and cute and peaceful. When they got off the bus everyone practically ran to the notice board after getting their bags, when it was finally clear enough for Tori to see she shocked to see who she working with.

" hey everything ok?" Andre said noticing all was not well with his best friend

" umm... yeah I'm fine" she said finally coming to terms with what she had just read on the notice board

" so you are working with?" Beck said as he wanted share this excited feeling he felt by the prospect of working people who were considered young greats in their profession

" well for dance I'm working with... Joey Parker" she said nervous of their reaction, especially Beck's in case he became jealous Beck again

" as in Joey Parker the famous dancer/ pop star who has tons girls throwing themselves at him all time" he said as he tried to keep his cool

" yeah that Joey Parker but it gets worse for singing I have Jordan Lyle" she quietly hoping no one would hear her

" Jordan Lyle, isn't that the guy from the bar?" Jade said refusing to believe Tori's luck

" you have got to be joking me" Beck said as he finally lost his cool

I wonder what Jade and Andre are planning also do they know Bori's dirty little secret? Will jealous Beck appear again? Will Jordan Lyle cause trouble? You'll just have wait and see. As usual let me know what you think by reviewing or pming me also with any suggestion you have, i'd love to hear what you think good or bad

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