Chapter 12:a beautiful mistake

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only human Chapter 12: beautiful mistake, a victorious fanfic | FanFiction

Thanks for all the reviews, following and favourites, I'm really gratefully for it and im glad you like it. Please remember to let me know what you think about my story . I love hearing what people think. Also im sorry its late i've been really busy lately. I want to say a big thank you to LittleLoretta5 who wrote beautiful mistakes

Chapter 12:beautiful mistake

" what do you mean it's about Beck?" Andre said worried all was not well with the new couple, it was an unwritten rule among songwriters to never write break up songs about the guy that you're still with

" I wrote it just after our first kiss, and I was so confused about it I mean I had just kissed my friend's ex boyfriend who I've liked since I started Hollywood Arts. I was confused and all I could see was the bad things it would cause" she said as she paced around the room

"hence the mistake part... but about the beautiful part" Andre said smiling as he knew her answer already

" were you listening? I had kissed Beck Oliver, a guy I 've liked since I started! It was like I could feel every cell in my body and they were all getting electrocuted!" she said grinning like a fool as she replayed the memory in her head

" so why are you worried about it?" he said not fully understanding her

"he's going to hear it and think that I just wrote it like yesterday" she said as she sat in a huff

" ok here's what's going to happen you are going to get dressed and get fabulous, and I'm going to talk to Beck... Before you say anything its happening girie" Andre said as he ran out the door before she could stop him.

Tori decided to for once to do as she was told for a change and finished creating her smoky eyes and velvet red lips. She was finally able to slow down her breaths while she was fixing her hair into effortless curls and pinning her twists on either side of her hair, with one last poof to her hair she glanced at her outfit before putting it on.

"Tori you can do this, you've done it before when you were less trained, less experienced. And you can deal with the fall out with Beck, you need this chance to express your music for it be heard. If they hate it then more on but if they love then enjoy it" she said as she gives herself a pep talk

With one glance to the mirror to make sure her religion angle dress and her black platform boots were perfect as was her hair and make up before she headed to the stage to get her microphone on

" hey Tori" Joey said as she was getting her mic on

" Joey what are you doing here" she said as she placed the battery pack on the back of her dress

"I thought I would come by and wish you luck, this is a possible showcase song right?" He said as he watched her in amazment

" yeah Helen thinks its good enough to impress all the big wigs that are going to be there" she said as she took a drink from her water

" how's the ankle?" He said trying to show honest concern for her well being

"it's good, still a bit tender but should be ok for our next class" she said thinking that he thought she wasn't up for whatever difficult task he had for her

" I'm sure you will be, I never doubt that but I had a thought for the music we should use" he said sensing that she was getting panicky about her pending performance

" oh yeah what's that" she said trying to calm her nerves

" we should record you singing a slow song and we should use that" he said as she watched her reaction

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