Chapter 11: trouble in paradise?

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only human Chapter 11: trouble in paradise?, a victorious fanfic | FanFiction

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Chapter 11: trouble in paradise?

" Beck it's nothing, I just landed weird after a jump and hurt my ankle so Joey was helping me out so I could still dance" Tori said a little annoyed that every time he saw her with a guy he automatically thinks that they were up to something

" oh right... you ok?" he said all of sudden concerned about her wellbeing as he bent down to next her

"yeah I'm fine I just went over it a little, am I good to go?" she said to Joey knowing that she had to talk to Beck on her own

" yeah you should be ok but take it easy tonight and then tomorrow we'll decide the music and stuff like that" Joey said sensing all was not well with the young couple and was secretly happy

Tori got up with the help of Beck and then packed her stuff away which allowed her time to think through what she was going to say to him. When they finally got to her house, Beck made Tori put her foot up once she was showered and changed into something more comfortable despite her protests.

" Beck can you come and sit down, we need to talk" she said while he was making them some tea

"uh oh that doesn't sound good, is everything ok?" he said worried that he wasn't going to like what she had to say

" not really, you know you getting jealous every time a guy even looks at me is getting a little old, I mean today Joey was just helping me out" she said trying her best to express her feelings without getting mad

" I'm sorry but I just hated the fact he was touching you" he said trying to hide his rage and disgust at the thought of other guys hands all over her

" I get that but you realize that he is going to be touching more than just my ankle... he is helping with my form and my dancing skills which means he has touch other parts of me" she said pointing out the obviously

" I know that but doesn't mean I have to like it, plus I think that Joey guy has a thing for you" he said getting quieter and quieter as he said the sentence causing her to move away from him slightly

" I'm sorry what?!" she said outraged at his statement

" I'm not the only one that thinks so, Andre pointed it out" he said trying to defend himself against her accusation that he knew was coming

" fine I'll be carefully but I still think you are being ridiculous" she said as he pulled her closer to him as they selected a movie to watch

for the rest of the night they watched TV and ate junk food while ignoring the bigger issue that was slowly growing, finally Beck decided that it was getting late so he should probably go before his parents realize he wasn't in his trailer. He kissed Tori on the head seeing that she was beginning to fall asleep on the couch. The next morning she realize that she was all alone with only a note with Beck explaining why he left and that he would see her tomorrow at school since she was riding her bike to school. Once she was showered and dressed in a pair of suspender shorts with a black long sleeved t-shirt and white love heart short sleeved t-shirt and her favorite black heeled boots. As she quickly pulled her long curly hair into a messy ponytail, she looked at her schedule to see when she was working with Helena

a little later

" finally you're here. I've been waiting for ten minutes" Helena said as she handed back Tori's song book to her as she entered the room

" I'm sorry traffic was bad, are you done with this?" she said wondering what Helena had in store with her

"yup I copied down all of the songs which I thought could become great, so I thought that today we could work on one of ones I really loved" she said as she handed her a sheet of music with her lyrics on it

" 'beautiful mistake'?" she said unsure if she gave her the right song sheet

" yeah I thought it was full of raw emotion and anger, so here's the plan I want to practice it a couple of times then head down to the costume room and pick something for you to wear tonight" she said quite plainly as if it was nothing

" tonight?" Tori said sensing there was more to the story

" I've arranged for you to play an outside concert tonight with some other acts, including the one with a puppet" she said finally revealing the rest of her plan

for the rest morning they rehearsed and rehearsed Tori's song till it was lunchtime where she met up with the rest of the gang

"of course we'll be there to support to you girl" Andre said excited at seeing Tori performing which always made him happy

" yeah it'll be fun we can set out a blanket, get some food plus Max Lennon will be performing so he'll see you sing and you two can talk" Jade said surprising everyone with the mentioning of Max Lennon

" I told you I can't get involved with Max Lennon" she said knowing it would raise a lot of questions but she knew that it was the right thing to do

" oh is that because you don't think he's cute or because you're dating Beck" she said causing Beck to spit out his Juice at her statement, Tori choked on her fruit and Andre burst into laughter

"what- that's ridiculous- no way" they both said at the same time so that sounded all mashed up

" guys you can drop the act, we know" Andre said simply as he took a bite out of his apple

"you know?" Beck said not believing them

" how?" Tori said knowing that there was no use in denying it any more

" Robbie told us, said he saw you making out. Why didn't you tell us?" Jade said wanting to know every single little detail

for the rest of lunch Beck and Tori told them everything about them being a couple, till it was time to go back to class where Helena was waiting to show her a number of different types of outfits. Some of them Tori said no to straight away like one really tight short purple dress or the skirt that looked like a disco ball. She kept looking and just as she thought it was useless she found the perfect outfit, that just screamed her

later that night

" so are you nervous?" Andre said inside Tori's dressing room while she was putting on her make up before getting dressed

"kinda but not about performing ok maybe a little about that but... can I tell you something" she said as she decided to tell her best friend the truth behind the song

" yeah of course you can" he said as he began to get worried

"the song 'beautiful mistakes' is about Beck" she said as she felt a tear slid down her face

You'll just have wait and see. As usual let me know what you think by reviewing or pming me also with any suggestion you have, I'd love to hear what you think good or bad

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