Chapter 5: you must decide

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only human Chapter 5: you must decide, a victorious fanfic | FanFiction

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Chapter 5: you must decide

When the gang got off the bus they were assigned to their dorms where they went to unpack and get settled in, this was especially awkward for Tori and Beck as they were still not talking to each other or even looking in the direction of the other person. While they unpacked they kept bumping into each and tried their hardest to stay away from each in the tiny little bedroom, soon Beck excused himself by saying he was going to check their class times which allowed to unpack in peace and some alone time. By the time Beck came back to the room, after being away for hours doing anything to kill time, Tori was already in bed asleep so he got for bed and hope that tomorrow would be better than today.

In the morning, Tori got up before Beck so she quietly sneaked off to the bathroom and got ready, when she came out Beck went in after her since their first class was with Sikowitz in ten minutes. When they were ready, they went to downstairs to the where the stage was.

"Beck, Tori there you are. So today I have chosen for your acting piece a scene from "how it should have been", it's about two people who's fall in love with each other and have been for a while but the timing is never right or something happens and gets in the way, any thought's" he said waiting to see their reaction, he and the others had carefully chosen this play for them

" yeah it sounds kinda familiar" Tori said sadly and a little awkward as she thought about her and Beck

" yeah I know what you mean, I can relate" Beck said as he looked right into Tori's eyes

"ok... so I just want you to read the lines and then I'll give you some feedback" Sikowitz said looking between the two of them, knowing they just had a moment

Myka(Tori): "I came to you that night knowing that you would be alone, and after everything I still trusted you!"

Ethan(Beck): "I know that you did and I would never betray your trust on purpose but I had no idea that she was listening or that she would use it against you"

Myka(Tori): " I'm sorry but have met Gina, she waits for me to slip up just to use it against me and to humiliate me in front of you. I don't get how you can be into that, be into her"

Ethan(Beck): "She's not that bad, its not like she's out to get you or anything"

Myka(Tori): "clearly me and you weren't at the same party, you know the where she came up to me and told she knew that my dad came back, that he hit me... that you told her that. I'm so mad at both of you"

Ethan(Beck): " Myka, she probably didn't mean to horrible about it or to imply that I told, come on back inside. I'll buy you drink"

Myka(Tori): " fine but I can't promise I wont punch her"

once they are back inside

Gina(Sikowitz in a high pitch voice): " aww there you two are, I was just about to read a new chapter from my latest book. ' 8th March 2011 today was like the rest Ethan would tell about some new girl that he likes and I sit there giving him the best advice to hook up with them. When all I want is for him to wake up and see what's right in front him, that I've been there whole time, loving him. Today his latest love of his life is Gina (I know right what kinda of is Gina, what is she 50?), he was telling how they meet when she bumped into him in the park if you ask me she meant it. I don't how long I can take this, how long I can love him but him never seeing. Myka"


Ethan(Beck): "Myka wait up (grabs her arm) what was that"

Myka(Tori): " that was your perfect girlfriend reading my dairy for everyone to hear, including you"

Ethan(Beck): "hold on... the 8th March, isn't that right before you left for Italy without telling me"

Myka(Tori): " yeah after I wrote that I decided to get away, I couldn't take it any more"

Ethan(Beck): " so it's true then, you were in love me"

Myka(Tori): "still am"

Ethan(Beck): " that's kinda good then cause I'm in love with you too, have been since that day when spilled your drink over me and stood on my notebook in the 5th grade"

they lean into each other, about kiss-when Tori and Beck stopped it suddenly as they realised what they were about to do and that it wasn't in the script, Sikowitz was just staring between them unable to believe what he had just saw

" so that was... amazing , I'm very impressed with your performance. So much so that I think maybe you should perform it in the big showcase" Sikowitz said trying to break the awkward silent that has fallen upon the room

" yeah we'll think it about, are we free to go?" Beck said still staring at Tori

" yeah I guess you are, I want you to rehearse that scene. And I'll see you at the same time tomorrow"

Beck and Tori gathered them bags and began walk back to their room when Tori decided to keep walk so that she was outside in the beautiful garden in the dorm courtyard. Beck followed her to make sure she okay since she hadn't said a word since their yet again almost kiss.

" you okay?" Beck said as he put his bag down and gently stroked her arm

" yeah I'm fine, it's just... I am so sorry for what I said yesterday, I didn't mean to sound so harsh" she said as she broke down into tears

" hey, hey its okay. I know you didn't and yeah you had a valid point. I mean if we gave this thing between us a shot there's a chance that it could go south and that end up hating each other" he said softly as he continued to stroke her arm

" I know I would hate that, I mean I would have to avoid and never see you. I don't know if I could do that" she said looking up to him with her tear stain face, finally noticing how close they were

" but there's a chance that it could turn out amazing, and that we could fall even more deeply in love than we already are. You know we could share every moment together because I don't see me or you ever breaking with the other" he said as he wiped away a fallen tear

" it's risk but I can't take it, I remember what you and Jade's relationship was like more so near the end of it" she said as she leaned deeper into his hand which on her cheekbones

"yeah but there one thing you're forgetting" he said simple as he looked into her beautiful brown eyes

" what that?" she said trying to search her brain for the answer

" this" he said as he leaned in closer to her where they're lips finally met causing a deep passionate kiss that was filled with so much love that it made Tori light headed. The kiss lasted for a good ten minutes when they finally broke apart, much to Tori's disappointment, Beck gently stroked her cheek with his finger

" what so you suggestion we do about that?" he said in a way that made her drown out what her head was scream at her and followed her heartbreak

Tori thought it about it for a couple of minutes , you could see how conflicted she was about it, and after a while she pulled him to closer to her as they locked lips. He took that as her answer

as usual let me know what you think by reviewing or pming me also with any suggestion you have

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