Chapter 13- Biersack Approved

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~ Andy POV ~

I woke up after the best nights sleep I had had in a while, and when I rolled over I was met with a sight I could get used to.

Cindy all curled up with a nest of blankets around her, she had an adorable sleeping face and her hair covered most of her face. I smiled and tapped her nose to wake her up, it was the nicest way I could think of to do it. She crinkled her nose and I continued to tap it until she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Hello needy." she smiled and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"Hello sleepy." I replied and stretched out my arm to pull her into my chest.

"How did you sleep?" She mumbled into my chest.

"Good thank you, what about you?"

"Brilliant thanks" I could feel her smiling against my neck.

We lay there for another hour, too lazy to get up. Eventually the others woke up and we were forced out of bed by the noise.

Cindy got her now dry clothes down from the towel rack in the bathroom, Jinxx had put them there to dry out after the rain.

"Hey Shorty?"


"Keep the shirt."

"Oh no Andy, I couldn't possibly do that." But I wasn't having any of that.

I waggled my finger at her: "No is not an option. It suits you." I looked outside the window to see it was sunny outside. "But first let me make some adjustments." I held my hand out as a request.

"Andy the fashionista." She chuckled and went into the bathroom and took it off the chucked it outside the door. I caught it.

"Back in a minute babe" I called and headed off to the kitchen to find some scissors. Then I began cutting off the sleeves making it Biersack approved.

"Butchering another top?" Jake said from the fridge. He basically lives in there.

"Rude." I finished cutting of the sleeves and the sides making it almost poncho like... Oops. It did look cool though. It was still connected at the bottom there were just oval slits down the sides that would expose more skin, making it a nicer view for me, but also more comfortable for such a hot day. How considerate am I?

I held it up proudly. Then I walked back to the bathroom and passed it through the half open door to her.

She came out and beamed at me.

It looked awesome.

"Thank you Andy, I love it." and she flung her arms around my neck and pecked me quickly on the lips. I smiled down at her. She turned away and I noticed a tattoo on her side, exposed because of the shirt, I hadn't seen it before.

"Cool tattoo Shorty"

She stopped and looked down at it. It was a quote on her side below her chest but above her waist. It read: "I created the sound of madness, wrote the book on pain, somehow I'm still here to explain" and the quotation marks where lyrical notes, must be from a song.

She smiled at me. "It's a quote from my favourite song" she ran her hands over the quote on her side.

"What does it mean?" I know what it says, but it must have a deeper meaning, and I was right.

"Well, I kinda think of it like, I've been really sad and 'wrote the book on pain' but I'm still here to explain. It's silly, but...yeah" she looked down at the floor, awkwardly shuffling her feet.

I don't like seeing people sad. Especially people I really care about. And there should really be a law about beautiful people not being sad...

I strode over to her and picked her up in an embrace, so she had her legs wrapped around my waist, and I stroked her hair comfortingly. She sniffed into my neck, I pulled away so I could see her face. The sun danced across her skin and her hair, messy from sleep, fell somewhat perfectly down her back, but her eyes looked dead. Which was really haunting for me, it scared me because I felt like she wasn't letting on how sad she was deep down. I wanted to make her feel all better, somehow.

The moment was interrupted by a dying whale sound that is my stomach. She giggled at me cutely.

"Best get you some food and feed the beast." She said hopping down from my waist.

~ Cindy's POV ~

Andy made his way over to the fridge. He glanced through it shuffling some empty packets until he got to the back and pulled out a jar of Skippy's peanut butter. Why you would put that in the refrigerator I will never know. He got it out.

"You can't just eat that!" I said in amazement. Peanut butter is too rich alone.

"Oh he can." Jake replied for Andy.

But when Andy opened up the jar a look of dismay came over his face. He picked it up and held it upside down.

"It's empty..." He sighed.

I smiled and clapped my hands together.

"Looks like it's time for pancakes. I know a great place!"

The guys practically trampled each other in their eagerness to get out of the door.

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