Chapter 19- Beach

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Cynthia's POV

The beach had been so much fun.

I was standing waist deep in the water when I felt something brush against my leg. I squealed and jumped away, kinda freaked out. I turned around to see Andy standing there with a super smug grin on his face.

"Didn't scare you did I?"

"Nope." I was standing there admiring the view. And I don't mean the beach, damn him for being so hot. I dragged my eyes from his face down his tatoos...

"Enjoying yourself?" Andy's voice broke the silence. I ripped my eyes back up to his.

"Oops." I smiled innocently and looked back to were the others where. It looked like they had started a fire.


They had started a fire. Looked like CC was worshiping the devil. Andy turned his head to look at what I was. He broke out into a fit of un-manly giggles.

"Oh shit. They're such weirdos." He snorted.

"Mmm." I nodded in agreement. As long as no one dies I'm fine with that.

It was getting kinda dark I turned around to see the sky was a purple grey colour with clouds that lit up an electric blue.

"Woah" I had never seen a sunset like that, guess I had been in the city too long. It was beautiful.

I felt some arms wrap around my waist and Andy press me into his chest. I shivered. Mainly because it was cold but also because of our close proximity. His breathe tickled my ear.

"Beautiful" he remarked.

"Yeh it is."

"I wasn't talking about the sunset." he mumbled seductively.

I giggled at how cheesy he was and rolled my eyes.

I straightened my thoughts and focused on the view, this time I meant the beach. Too late though, he knew he had the upper hand and he was gonna play this one out. He bent down and ran his lips along my collar bone. I couldn't help but let out a shakey sigh. He smiled into my neck.

And then literally picked me up and chucked me into the waves.


When I resurfaced I glared at him.

"Andrew Dennis Fucking Biersack!" I shrieked and ran at him, knocking him into an oncoming wave. We both resurfaced a bit away from each other. I was going to swim towards him for another wrestling round when I realised I didn't have my bikini top... I flung my hands across my chest, which was luckily still underwater because I hadn't stood up.

Andy noticed the shock on my face. "What's wrong?"

He bent down and picked up my top that was floating near him. A mischievous smirk placed across his face.

"Andy I swear to God..." I stopped when he turned and chucked my bikini top into the sea.

"Bastard." I stood up my hands still covering my chest and waded towards where it had landed. I found my top pretty quickly and put it on. I turned back to Andy and glared at him. By the look on his face I could tell, that although I'd covered myself up, he had seen what he wanted. He licked his lips and smirked. I flipped him off and strutted my way up the beach back to the others.

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