Chapter 23: Accidental Flirting

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Chapter 23 ❤️ Accidental Flirting

Megan Green

"WEST, I SWEAR I CAN EXPLAIN," I cry, grabbing the collar of his shirt as he tries to walk away.

But I can't really explain. I have no good excuse. No acceptable reason.

What am I supposed to say? 'So I was talking to Asher, and then he friend-zoned me. Then I kissed him to show how I feel. By the way, I was using you this whole time to make him jealous. Hope you don't mind!' Yeah, no. That will definitely not work.

He turns around slowly, his face fuming. "Get away from me."

Man, I got him real angry.

"No, West. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry! I was angry and sad and I wanted to feel loved for a moment!" I sigh, realizing that was the worst excuse ever.

"Is my love for you not as good as Asher's lips?" he says, shaking his head. "What's next? Are you going to tell me that this whole relationship was a lie, and that you only used me?"

I know he was just making a point, but I can't help but bite my lower lip. I can see that my silence bothers him.

"So it's true?" he asks anxiously. I try not to show any obvious signs, but my lip still quivers. "You know, Ella warned me that you were just using me, and I didn't believe her. That was the biggest mistake of my entire life."

And he has made a lot of mistakes.

Those words hurt me so badly. I understand that it's my fault, but I can't help but get mad at him.

"We're through, Meg." He shakes his head and looks at Asher, who is still in shock from what I did. "And you, don't ever call me your friend again."

I can see Ash's Adam's apple bob up and down with nervousness. West runs away as Ash tries to catch up with him.

"Asher, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I didn't know-"

"Save it. I'm done with you." He shakes his head, walking away, too.

Make that four people I lost.

- -

Juliet Rose

I glance at West again. I can't help myself. He looks so depressed.


There goes the bell. I grab my heavy books as I try to run after him. The hallway floods with students, and West is nowhere to be seen.


Shoving my books in my locker, I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I smile at the sight of West. Part of me is screaming to help him, since he's done so much to help me.

"Do you want to talk?" I ask.

He nods. "Yes, please."

He brings me to the library - the only place nobody goes during lunch. "Why are we here again?" I question nervously.

"I told you we needed to talk, and I wanted a place that's quiet. Not even the librarians are here to spy on us," he replies, leading me to a bench.

I sit down comfortably, anxious to talk to him. "So what's up?"

Out of all answers he could have given me, why choose crying? I never saw a boy cry before, mainly because they have this 'tough' reputation to follow. But West is different. He'll always have the need to be comforted by a girl.

"It's Megan. We, we b-broke up," he confesses.

I gasp, my jaw hitting the ground. "What? Why?"

"I-I don't know. I thought our relationship was going so, so well, but then," He pauses. "I saw her kissing another guy."

"Oh my God!" I shake my head. I know it's Meg we're talking about, but not even Ella would do that. "I'm so sorry."

"Nah, it's not your fault. Now let's not be sappy and what not. Let's talk about something worth saying." I see his lip start to crease.

And mine does, too.


We ended up talking about a bunch of junk nobody would really want to talk about. There were a few tears, a few laughs, a few staring contests. But it was fun.

It's nice to finally talk to someone who's not your almost-boyfriend, crush, ex best friend, enemy, or someone who's a million miles away.

"So you really did that to your grandmother?" I ask, laughing.

He throws his hands in the air in a joyful way. "Yeah, I definitely did."

"Impressive," I laugh.

He nods, acting like he's the boss of this world. He glances at his watch. "Five minutes till the bell."

"Okay, then. Just know that I'm always here for you." I smile, laying my hand on his knee. I lean in to him, expecting a big teddy bear hug. But nope.

We got a fistful of Asher.

He shouts, "the heck are you doing with my girlfriend?"

I raise my eyebrows at him.

"My almost-girlfriend," he corrects.

I glance at West, who is holding his eye painfully. I pull his hand away to reveal a bloody, purplish mark.

"Oh my God, Ash! I was just hugging him! He's in a lot of pain right now!" I explain.

"Yeah right! I can't believe you're already trying to get a new girlfriend after Meg!" he accuses.

West argues, "it was a hug! And anyway, you're the one who started this!"

I look at Ash confused. "W-What do you mean?"

West replies, "did I forget to tell you? Your boyfriend here kissed another girl!"

My face goes sheet white, and for a moment I felt as if my heart stopped beating. "Ash?"

"She went for me first, I swear! It wasn't me, I-I didn't even know Meg would do that!" He purses his lips.

The words hurt to say. "M-Meg? She's the one who kissed you?"

He slaps his forehead, realizing the mistake he just made. I run to the bathroom, trying to hold back my tears.

All this time, I was trying to keep my friendship with Meg steady. Now, she's still heading for Asher even when my feelings for him are obvious. I hate them so so so so much.

I really do.


Drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama drama.

Oh dear Lord, so much drama!

But there's more to come. :)

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