Chapter 13: Dear Diary aka Ava

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Chapter 13 Dear Diary, aka Ava

Juliet Rose

MY ENTIRE SATURDAY WAS filled with the clips from the dance continuously playing in my head. All I can think about is Asher and his kiss and how it was so awkward and how everything was so perfect. It's as if I'm in one of those cheesy romance novels.

I receive a text from Ava:

OMG! We haveeeee to hang out ASAP!!!!!!! :D

I laugh at how shy she seems on the outside, but inside she's like a wild animal. I reply:

IKR!! I need to tell u everything that happened at the dance (;

Ava: Omgeeee what happened?!?!?!

Me: meet me at the mall, food court in twenty, ill tell u there c;

You might be asking, since when did Ava and I become close enough that I can tell her my feelings for Asher? Well, ever since we met at the first dance committee meeting, we started to become close. She was more than just a girl who wore makeup. The first time I met her, I thought she would be another Ella. But no, she's nothing even close to her.

* * *

The mall is only fifteen minutes away, which is enough time for me to meet Ava without being late. I recognize the chocolate brown hair and the giant pink bow on her head. Ha, I knew she would come here earlier than me. She sits in a small table next to the McDonalds stand. God, I love that place. You know, even though it has like a thousand calories and will make me the size of all their hamburgers combined. Yeah, it's that delicious.

"You just couldn't wait for what I was going to tell you, huh?" I tease.

"What, no! You're the one who's late," she snarls.

"Right," I say sarcastically. "Anyway, you have to promise to not tell anyone!"

She nods, crossing her heart. "Crossing your toes don't count, by the way," I giggle.

"Get to the point, slowpoke!"

I tell her about how Asher comforted me at the times I needed someone the most, and how he kissed me unexpectedly. I tell her about everything, from the almost-kisses to the way he would look at me. It was as if she was my diary whom I was spilling all my secrets to.

"Wow," she remarks, "You know, you got some gut to do that to your best friend. Especially with all you've been through with each other."

"I wouldn't consider Asher my best friend, we've only known each other for-."

She interrupts, "not him! I meant Megan."

I'm perplexed at her response. What does Megan have to do with any of this? I reply, arching an eyebrow, "what do you mean? What about Megan?"

"Duh, didn't you know? Megan has a crush on Asher!"

My jaw hits the floor. Megan? The-girl-who-I-would-almost-consider-as-my-best-friend Megan? "N-No, it can't be. She has no interest in Asher at all. I'm sure of it! I know her she-."

"You've known her for a week. I know you both might say you're 'besties' now but, you don't know Megan," she says, putting quotations around 'besties'. "We've been in the same class since the third grade. I see how she looks at him, how she constantly attempts to flirt with him. It's obvious, Jules."

A big lump in my throat forms, and my chest feels as if it's twisting like the tornado from the Wizard of Oz. It all fell into place now. I remember how her personality changes whenever she sees him. How she always fixes her hair when he arrives, how she smiles when she speaks to him. How could I have never noticed this before? It was like I was in a whole different world then. Like I never really looked between the lines.

"Hello-o?" Ava says, waving her hands over my face.

"Huh?" I reply, "Sorry, must've zoned out..."

"So what are you going to do? Are you still going to admit your feelings to him?"

My fingers clench into a ball, my fist ready to collide with her face. She sure does have a way of annoying the heck out of people! I'm not sure if I'm annoyed at Meg for liking Asher, at Asher for being his adorable self, at her for being a nosy freak, or at myself for not knowing Meg's feelings for him.

"I don't know, Ava. I guess me and Asher are done now. You know that I can't hurt Meg just like that! Besides, she's known Asher way more than I did, they belong together," I sigh, gulping down a cup of sizzling soda.

"Oh God no! If they really were meant to be, they would've started dating by now. They're old enough to admit their feelings to each other, like how West did," she replies.

The soda finds it's way out of my mouth, drizzling all over my chin. I quickly grab a tissue, wiping the half-soda half-saliva away. "What do you mean 'like how West did'?"

"God, you're slow. It's all over Twitter, Jules! Read Ella's tweet." she hands her phone to me as I mentally shout some colorful words at her. She may be shy on the outside, but in the inside she's like an irritating five year old brat.

I read her tweet:

itzzella : LQ going on here!! @west591 just confessed to @mgreen that he likes her!!!! awe, too bad meg likes someone else ),: oh well, I'm still available! LOL

"'LOL'?!" I shout. "Oh my God, how dare she do this to Meg? This isn't fair. That just isn't -- what does LQ mean?"

"Lovers Quarrel," Ava responds, quite tranquilly.

"Oh okay," I pause, going back to IMMA-BOUT-TO-KICK-HER-A mode. "How the heck could she just say that about a person without even feeling a little guilt?!"

She shrugs. "I-I can't let her get away with this, I can't!" I yell, allowing people to stare at me. "Oh, what are you looking at? Go back to eating your fattening American food, you useless swines!"

"Jules, calm down. You're making a scene."

"Calm down? Calm down?! How can I calm down when-" I let out a deep breath, trying to regain my happy mood again. I'm not even sure why I feel so bad for Meg, when she's probably going to kill me soon when she finds out I like Asher. Oh God, how am I going to tell Meg what happened?!

"God, Jules! How are you going to tell Meg you kissed Asher?" Ava wonders, as if she literally just read my mind.

"I don't know, maybe I won't tell her. I can't risk ruining our friendship like that -- I can't." I say, putting my hand to my forehead. I secure my leather handbag onto my shoulder, standing up from my seat.

"Where are you going?" she frowns.

"I've got to think about this. About everything. I'm sorry Ava."

I leave the mall in a quick twenty seconds, immediately running home in tears. This past few days,

all I've done is drown myself in tears. I need time to comprehend everything that's going on, before I end up hurting someone I love.

I need to end this right, but how?

* * *

Sorry, short chapter.

Heh, I'm not really sorry.

What will happen to Megan?

Will she treat Jules the same from now on?

Will Megan and Ella fight?

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