Chapter 6: I Hate the Beach

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Evil Ella up there ^ or right here >

Chapter 6 I Hate the Beach

Megan Green


"Do too," she snaps back.

"Do not."

"Do too!" She shouts, her voice becoming more tense.

"Look, Asher is my guy friend, not my boy friend. And since when was everything all about moi?"

"Meg, you're the most arrogant person to ever live on the face of this Earth. The one time I actually want to talk about you, you decline!"

"Not about my love life! How would you like it if we started talking about Travis Donald?"

"That was one time, and six years ago!" She groans, letting her slim body fall onto my bed.

I stick out my tongue at her, acting as if I was an annoying little five year old again. She uses my silky pink sheets to shield her eyes. I let out a big sigh, and grab my heart shaped pillow to smack her in the head.

"No need to be rough!" I hear her say through the thick sheets.

"I'm not letting you hide under there for the rest of the night! We have some planning to do."

She uncovers herself from the blanket, her golden curls static with loose threads from the sheets. "For what?"

"The dance, silly! I signed us up for dance committee, remember?" I reply, picking up a cold soda can from the mini fridge and handing it to her.

She groans in response.

I continue, "At least give it a try. It'll be fun! We could make up all the rules and do whatever theme we want!" I take a breath. "So, how does an underwater theme sound?"

She takes a sip of her cola, then spits it out all over the floor, like a whale sprouting out water.

"A simple no would've been good," I roll my eyes.

"No not that... This is diet! I hate diet," she complains.

I smirk, "I know."

* * *

I awoke from my ongoing nightmare. I dreamt that there was a killer, and he said I had to choose who would be dying soon; me or my dad. Fortunately, I woke up in time to know that I didn't have to answer that question. But what makes me wonder is if I would ever have to choose between us...

"I. Am. Exhausted." Kay yawned, pausing at each word she spoke.

"Well, what did you expect? You slept at three in the morning!" I point out.

"Don't blame me for wanting to have some fun at a sleepover!"

"Whatever," I giggle. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast."

We ran downstairs to the kitchen to find Olivia pouring OJ into a glass cup. Two plates of freshly cooked pancakes laid on the table. It had organic sliced strawberries and bananas, whip cream, and a sprinkle of chocolate.

"Mmm! Looks delish." Kay commented as she sat down and grabbed a silver fork.

"Made just for you, Kay. I know how you like your pancakes," Olivia winked.

Oliviα's my nanny, αkα my best friend or big sister ever since I was five. My dαd wαs αlwαys working at his fαncy job, so he hired her to tαke cαre of me when she wαs only sixteen years old. I know thαt's pretty young to be α nαnny, but my dαd was desperαte, αnd she despairingly needed a job. You see, her parents were fighting to earn money, so she decided to run away, quit school, and get a job.

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