Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Chapter 1

'We're moving.'


The only word still swirling through my colorful mind like a few leaves swaying in the January wind and refusing to fall. When the word first escaped Mom's thin lips, my body just couldn't seem to react. It was like all the emotions and feelings refused to function correctly. Though of course I should've expected it. Mom always told me she wanted to leave this town in order to get a new job instead of being a poor abused waitress. She doesn't deserve that.

But at the same time, I'd rather not leave my hometown. Sure it had a high criminal rate, rude people, and so what if I was pretty much bullied since primary school? I'm not that kind of girl who is fond of change, especially when it can only lead to two things; contentment or disaster.

Discovering that we were moving made me feel all kinds of emotion; happy, sad, relieved, scared. I was happy because my mother had gotten a pretty decent job that didn't treat her like an elderly slave or one of Justin Bieber's managers, and relieved because I would be finally leaving the ratchet town supposedly called 'home'. Scared because everyone in that town could grow an extreme hatred for me so bad that they would probably give me up as a sacrifice when the zombie apocalypse happens. So which of these emotions did my body show?

Answer is none above! Apparently my brain was so brimful with emotions and thoughts that all the wires cut loose, and just couldn't handle the feelings anymore. My reaction became the worst case scenario a mother would ever want to see. I didn't cry, I didn't shout, I didn't even show the slightest smile.

I fainted.

(I recovered after 20 minutes, though, thinking that Mom telling me I was moving was just a silly drea- nightmare. Once she told me that I wasn't really dreaming, I passed out. Again.)

Although I guess you could say that moving away could be as exhilarating as it is in the movies. Back in Pooptown High, I was officially labeled as the 'shy geek' ever since the moment I tripped onto a popular guy while reading my favorite book during hallway rush hour. Let's just say he tried to break my book, so the three hundred paged, hardcover object decided to break his face. I just told the Principal that I was simply trying to expand the art of reading to my peers by communicating through physical interactions.

Anyway the point of that flashback was to tell you this; I am a complete nobody. And I honestly would love to change that. Maybe I'm not fond of change, but being pushed around and teased at isn't necessarily my cup of Starbucks coffee. Going to a different school will be a new start for me. It'll be a way to change the way people look at me.

It'll be my new begin- HONK.

The bus driver honks at me, looking rather annoyed at my zoning out. "You gettin' in or not?" she spits.

Walking into that school bus was, as childish as it sounds, scary. All eyes laid on me while some girls whispered to one another. As I walked down the vehicle, still searching for a seat, I hear the words 'new girl', 'omg I want her hair', 'have I seen her before?', and the exaggerated 'gasp!'. Hm, maybe I won't be the only weird one in school.

I sit my bony butt down on a window seat with no one in the other. Teens throw crumpled paper in the air while some actually use that paper to do last minute homework. Others simply stare out the window or twiddle with their hands. The somewhat cranky bus driver eats a cheeseburger with some ketchup dripping out of her mouth.

At least I think it's ketchup.

Yeah it's definitely ketchup.

As I dramatically look out the window and gaze at the fields (more like scratched cars and old lonely men), I glance at the necklace wrapped around my neck. It's been with me since birth and gives me infinite memories; both good and bad. Then I realize something. This is a new school for me, a new start. I have to make this right.

This is my new beginning.

(YES, I finally got to say it dramatically without being interrupted!)


This was a boring chapter. Forgive me I'm not good at writing intros!


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