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there was a knock on my door.

my little girl ran and opened it.

i smiled until i heard your voice.

i come up to the front door.

may i help you?
i said.

i was wondering if you
could talk for a bit.
you replied.

go play with your toys, okay?
i said to my daughter.

okay, mommy!
she replied.

your eyes widened at the word "mommy"

i'm married.
she's my daughter.
i explained.

i miss you.
you shot at me.

bullet words. tearing at my heart.

it's too late.
i closed the door.

that was my closure.

i needed just that.

you were too shocked to do anything.

so yeah, i used to love you.

but now you are just a distant memory.

you a just another person.

i can see you on tv and be okay.

i can finally be with my family and not think about what ifs.

i can move on.

for we have faded

our love us no longer seen.

it is non existent.

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