Radar Love

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You were standing on the back edge of the stage, where you had during the band's practice earlier, watching them rock their way through the set list they had fleshed out. Murdoc would occasionally walk around the stage and make eye contact with you, smile slightly, then turn back to face the crowd. Every time he did, you got butterflies in your stomach.

No no no, you told yourself, you can not get attached. Don't do it! But you had an odd feeling that it wasn't up to you.

After they finished up their encore (they always played Clint Eastwood, Don't Get Lost in Heaven, and Demon Days for their encore) the band filed off the stage towards you. They all gave you some kind of greeting as they passed; Russel gave you a fist bump, 2D a high five, Noodle a quick squeeze of the shoulders and a smile, and Murdoc grasped you around the waist and kissed your jawline repeatedly.

"That was great," you breathed, pulling your torso away from his grasp so you could look at him. He was sweaty and his skin felt oddly cool against yours; you loved it.

"Thanks, luv," he said nonchalantly, grabbing your butt and continuing to walk down the hallway, "C'mon," he called back to you, as you stood frozen in place, "What're you doing just standin' there? Now the real party starts."

You scurried along to catch up with him, and he held out his hand for you to hold. Your chest felt like it had caught fire as you grabbed it and walked slightly behind him. You, the band, and some of their crew from the show filed into their bus. You and Murdoc were dragging a bit behind, as you kept stopping in the long hallway to nip and grab at him, giggling like a little girl, and by the time you got there, a party was evidently already in full swing. They had on an eclectic mix that was currently playing Glass Animals over the sound system and almost everyone was lighting up joints, already a light haze seemed be in the air. Apparently the tour bus doubled as a party bus.

You congratulated everyone on a great show as you shuffled through the packed bus and followed Murdoc to an open spot towards the back of the main seating section. He sat down in a spot between 2D and someone you didn't know, he ended up being their visual effects guy when you were introduced to him. Murdoc patted his lap, and you sat down on him as delicately as you could, you were known to be a bit bony. He put a hand on your thigh and called to Noodle, who was standing in front of the bar.

"Hey Noodle, could you be a doll and make us two of those drinks with everything in them you're always making?"

Noodle nodded in the affirmative, and brought you over three drinks in tall glasses, one for each of you, including herself.

"This drink is great luv," Murdoc told you, "she won't tell anyone what's in it, but it's seven different kinds of liquor with a splash of Sprite."

"Be careful," warned Noodle, "It doesn't taste like it."

She held out her glass to the two of you, "Cheers, Murdoc, you miserable old man. You finally found a decent woman."

You blushed, and glanced at Murdoc. He also had a slight pink tinge under his greenish cheeks, and he squeezed your hip with the hand that wasn't holding his drink. The three of you clinked glasses and you took a large sip of your drink. It definitely tasted like candy, these were going to be dangerous.

You thought about Noodle's words for a bit, and had a sad realization. It was Saturday. The band was leaving in the morning. You weren't going. With that thought, you made a promise to yourself. You were going to party like you meant it.

Everyone in the bus chattered over the volume of the music. You weren't going anywhere yet, just staying parked behind the venue so everyone could party for a while. Drugs of various types were passed around, you had to tell 2D twice that narcotic painkillers weren't really your jam. But you partook of the ones you were familiar with, mostly just the two you had previously done with Murdoc. You drank two more of Noodle's concoctions, and by that point were feeling pretty good. You heard a familiar song and excitedly jumped up and danced in the aisle of the bus, hopping along and dragging Murdoc along with you.

"When I get lonely and I'm sure I've had enough, she sends her love coming in from above! We don't need no letter at all! We've got a thing that's called radar love! We've got a light in the sky!" you sang. Noodle got up and grabbed Murdoc's arms, flailing them around in an attempt to make him dance, he grabbed his hands back and growled. Some things were never going to change. And Murdoc not dancing was one of them, but you swore you saw a little swing in his hips as you continued to rock out to Radar Love by Golden Earring.

You bounced along with Murdoc in tow, and when the song was over, you had ended up in the back of the bus where the sleeping quarters were, where fewer people were.

"C'mon luv, I want to show you something," said Murdoc, pulling you towards the back wall. He flipped down a ladder and climbed up it, popping open a hatch on the ceiling and disappeared onto the roof of the bus. A moment later, his face reappeared and he reached down a hand to you.

You climbed up the ladder after him, and grabbed his hand to help you up onto the roof of the bus. It was a clear, warm night and it felt like you could see every star in the sky (although maybe that was your altered state).

"Not bad up here, eh?" he said, standing back and giving you a second to look around.

You scanned the horizon and saw the skyline of your city in the valley below. It looked so stunning from up on the hill where the venue was, particularly on such a clear night.

"It's beautiful," you said, your breath taken away.

"I always get up here a bit during the after parties, that bloody bus can feel so...cramped," Murdoc said, seeming a bit uncomfortable at the thought.

Murdoc sat down on the roof of the bus, facing the skyline with his legs outstretched and spread apart, and motioned for you to come over. You sat down between his legs, mimicking his style, and leaned back against his chest. He put his hands through your hair and began to scratch at your scalp. He gently ran his fingers through your hair, sometimes using his nails sometimes not, and lightly tugged at large handfuls. You never wanted to move from exactly this spot.

You heard Murdoc let out a little sigh as he played with your hair.

"What's that about?" you asked him.

He didn't respond for a second. Then he pulled all of your hair to one side and kissed your neck, giving you chills.

"Just content, for now," he said against your neck.

You didn't respond, except to squeeze his thighs with your hands and lean harder into him. You stayed like that for a while, staring at the skyline of your city, then you turned around to face him, propped up on your elbows in between his legs. The drugs and booze had given you courage and it was time to call him out.

"If you're so content, why are you leaving me here?" you asked.

He stared into your eyes for what felt like forever. "I'm not sure I'm-"

"Muds! (Y/N)!" called 2D, popping his head up the open hatch, "We're goin' back to the hotel in 5 minutes! Whateva you're doin', up there, wrap it up!"

That boy and his timing.

"Here," said Murdoc, slipping his upside down cross necklace over his neck and handing it out to you, "It means a lot to me. Don't lose it."

You were thrown off. "Murdoc! I can't possibly take that!" you exclaimed, sitting back on your heels.

"You can and you will," he growled, leaning forward and slipping it over your neck.

You touched the pendant now hanging slightly below your chest and felt tears welling up in your eyes.

"Thank you," you said.

"I'll be back for it," he said, kissing you on the jawline, "C'mon luv, let's not keep everyone waiting."


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