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  ⋆The Five Hundredth First Day

word count: 4338

The clear gel made the pale girl shiver as she lathered it into the skin that wasn't covered in clothing. She peeked through her curtains, smiling at the clear blue sky and the bright sun. She fully drew the curtains back, exposing herself to the sun as it's rays seeped through the glass of her window. She sighed in delight as she absorbed the vitamin D and thanked whoever invented this vampire equivalent to sunscreen. Her moment of serenity was short lived, as her 'brother' Cyrus groaned in the doorway of her bedroom.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not blind the whole neighbourhood with your skin?" He snapped. Juno looked at her skin. When in contact with sunlight, a vampire's skin will start to glow, in a way that looked as if she were made of millions of diamonds the size of a nanometer. It was when she didn't wear the clear gel that these 'diamonds' would feel like tiny stabbing pains all over her body, slowly burning her if she is exposed for too long.

Juno rolled her eyes, "maybe come up with an anti-glitter potion and you won't have to tell me," she snapped back.

"If I could, I would, you know how much I hate the fact that we glitter, it's embarrassing." His disgusted look made Juno chuckle, causing a hint of a smile to form on Cyrus' face. A rare occurrence that only Juno could cause. "Put something else on, we don't need to out ourselves on your first day of school."

Juno groaned in disgust. "You mean seven hundredth first day-"

"Actually it would probably be around five hundredth, since it took a few years for women to even attend school," Cyrus teased.

"You know what I mean!" Juno whined. "Why can't you come with me, you are meant to be my brother after all," she sulked.

Cyrus walked up to Juno, placing a hand on her shoulder for reassurance. "I am your brother, and we've gone over this five hundred times, literally," he emphasised. "I'm technically twenty four, and you're seventeen. Not to mention you're baby faced June-"

Cyrus was cut off by a harsh punch in the shoulder. Cyrus only rolled his eyes and laughed at her childish ways. Seven hundred years of being alive and Juno still acted like a seventeen year old girl. "It's just a joke! Anyway, we also need someone to get food for us, remember?" Cyrus said, taking out his hospital badge and dangling it in front of Juno's face.

She rolled her eyes and swatted his badge away from her face, "I got it," she said, sighing in defeat.

"Don't get in crazy amounts of trouble like you did back in fifty two, but don't reserve yourself, you've got an eternity to do whatever you want, use it," Cyrus urged.

"I'll make friends if you bring back some B positive," Juno said with a smirk spread across her face.

Cyrus rolled his eyes and left the room, telling Juno to hurry up and get ready as he did so. Juno replaced her shorts with jeans, and threw on a letterman jacket from a high-school in Canada that she attended in the eighties. She hoped that maybe some students at Beacon Hills High School would have a vintage eye, and like her crazy coloured jacket that made her stand out.

Juno fanned herself lightly, feeling her body heat up under all the layers. She knew she had to always be covered up so she couldn't reveal her secret, but she hated the heated feeling. 'Better than burning to death' she thought to herself, as she grabbed her pre-packed school bag and rushed down the stairs to the front door where Cyrus was waiting. "I almost thought you were going to make me walk."

BITTEN ⇢  Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now