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The Disappearance

word count: 3656

Stiles typed away on his laptop, planning on stalking any form of online media that the girl Juno Clarke had. He found himself smitten when he first saw her, hearing her name in her breathy accent made his jaw drop on the first day back at school. Her first interaction with him, shielding her mouth and nose as she stepped away with him was definitely not what he expected, which only made him want to know more.

But Stiles still had to repeat to himself in his mind over and over that this was just a little crush, and his ten year plan to make Lydia Martin fall in love with him was still ongoing, although it may need to stretch to fifteen...

What Stiles found was something unusual. A photo of a woman who looked almost identical to Juno in a knee length dress with polka dots, holding onto a thin cigarette carelessly, laughing alongside Elvis Presley. The photo was in black and white, and there were a number of people surrounding them which Stiles assumed to be paparazzi. He furrowed his brow, confused at the photo and clicked on the source link.

Elvis Presley with high school sweetheart, Shirley Clarke. 1956.

Stiles couldn't believe his eyes, it was almost as if they were the same person. Stiles then searched for Shirley Clarke, and was stunned to find nearly nothing about this woman, except for multiple photos of her spending time with celebrities like Marilyn Monroe, and going to parties. Juno Clarke's relative was best friends with celebrities and she didn't tell him? Stiles chuckled as he closed his computer and got ready for school. He began mentally preparing probably a thousand more questions than originally planned for Juno. He didn't know why he had so many questions, maybe it was because she seemed so mysterious, or maybe it was because he just enjoyed to listen to her talk because of her accent.


"The only reason you feel unable to control is because you let the scent overtake you," Cyrus instructed. He looked down at Juno who was sitting on their couch in the living room, listening carefully to Cyrus' 'lesson'. "I think maybe you just need to take a few days off, then go back to school and just face your obstacles."

Juno looked at him wide eyed, "that's it? That's supposed to be you teaching me?" She asked in disbelief. "How do I make it stop feeling like I'm intoxicated? I couldn't focus when he was near me, Cyrus. I just have this undying urge to just drink and drink until there's nothing left."

"I met someone far before you were born, all I did was become used to their presence, eventually I was able to resist the urges." Cyrus said.

"Then what happened? You were able to live normally?"

Cyrus laughed, "no, if anything becoming used to their scent made me want to be around them all the time."

Juno groaned, "you know I don't like doing that-"

"You've done it before June, and just because that didn't go well doesn't mean it'll happen again. You'll be fine, maybe occupy yourself with something if he's nearby, distract yourself from the scent. If you feel like you're about to get dizzy or whatnot, think about garlic." Cyrus instructed. Juno was about to protest, wanting to know how the thought of garlic would do anything, but she just sighed and nodded, not wanting to get into an argument with him. He looked up at the clock on the wall and picked up his set of keys from the coffee table in front of Juno. "Right, well I've got to head off. Just stay here and don't drink everything in the fridge. I'll try and bring back more B positive for you."

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