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The Murders

word count: 4128

"We're lacking contestants for the Cross Country coming up since this generation is full of people who sit on their ass all day," Coach Finstock yelled. Juno shivered in her gym clothes, she was lucky the sky was overcast, so there was no chance of even a little bit of sunlight hitting her exposed arms and legs, but it did mean her and half of the class would freeze. "So, whoever does the best in this practice run will be picked for the track team, and Cross Country will be mandatory." 

The entire class groaned except for Juno. Sports was definitely easy for her, due to her supernatural strength and speed she didn't have any trouble with pacing herself in long distance runs like these. "The Lacrosse team will be joining you guys as a practice, don't let those losers outshine you." 

The Lacrosse team got up from the bench on the side of the track once Coach beckoned them to come over. They all gathered around behind him, obviously not wanting to mix with the PE class. Stiles noticed Juno and smiled at her, sending her an awkward wave as he did. Juno smiled also, making Coach blow all the air in his lungs into his whistle, right in Stiles' face. "No flirting on the field Stilinski!" Coach yelled.

Stiles awkwardly fumbled as he tried to regain his hearing in his left ear. He glared at Coach, and felt his cheeks grow pink as he heard Juno and the rest of the class chuckle. "First five to finish who aren't on the Lacrosse team are in." Coach announced as he read off his check board. Stiles' eyes widened as he moved closer to Coach, looking over his shoulder and reading the papers he had. 

"Wait so does that mean-"

"It's compulsory for the team! I don't want any of you turning into fat asses!" Coach interrupted. Stiles nodded, his face pure disappointment. "Right, everyone line up! And go on my whistle, ten laps!" Both the team and the PE class groaned as they lined up horizontally on the track. Some in Juno's class were already in their stance to begin, along with most of the Lacrosse team. Juno sighed as she stood there, she knew she could catch up even if she began when everyone was one lap ahead of her. 

Stiles had pushed past some students to make his way next to her. "Sup?" Stiles asked, trying to act cool. 

Juno couldn't hide the smile that formed on her face at his ridiculousness when he was around her. "You ready?" She asked him. 

Stiles scoffed, "uh yeah, I'm totally ready! Ten laps? That's nothing," Stiles said with questionable confidence. Juno could feel his anxiousness, she cursed under her breath as she began to feel anxious also because of Stiles. "You seem a bit nervous..." Stiles muttered, noticing her nervousness.

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