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Turning around I found Carter standing at the door, a look of shock written across his face.

"Ah Carter hey." I awkwardly said not looking at him.

"Lexi what was that?"

"What was what?" I asked trying to act dumb.

"Cut the shit Lexi." he aggressively said coming closer to me.

"I didn't feel good okay?" I huffed going to the sink and washing my hands.

"You and I both know that's a damn lie." he said in a low voice.

Feeling tears start to rise my legs give out and I slide down the wall hiding my head in my arms. The feeling of needing to throw up again strongly in my head. Carter stood there at the door looking down at me until I started crying really hard.

"Shh Lex it's okay." he soothed pulling me into his arms.

We sat there for a while in silence. He held me in his arm slightly rocking us back and forth. The only sound being heard was my little sniffles.

"Why Lexi?" Carter said in a calm voice breaking the silence.

"B-because Nash is my brother." my voice trembled out.

"What's he have to do with anything?"

"You don't get it!" I started, "you don't get what it's like being in your brothers shadows. Everyone always likes him and I'm just his pathetic sister who trails behind him like a lost puppy. Know one likes me, know one they only want me for Nash. Since he's gone all the time I have know one at school to stick up for me. I'm constantly reminded that I'm not pretty or skinny enough to be Nash's sister." I whale into his shoulder not caring about my makeup at the moment.

"Lexi don't listen to those people. You are beautiful and your more then just Nash's sister, your a sweet fun loving girl." he said picking us up off the floor.

"Now splash some water on your face before we walk out." he softly said wiping a stray tear off my cheek with his hand.

Jumping off the little counter thingy and splashing my face. Turning around I saw that Carter was still at the door in deep thought.

"Ready to go?" I ask grabbing his hand and heading back to the table.

"Hey Lex you okay?" Cam questioned as we got back to the boys.

"Yup just feeling a little sick I think I'm ganna go lay down for a little bit." I said heading back up stairs.

"Here I'll go with you." Cameron offered about to get up.

"No I'm already going sorry." Carter said pulling me away from a very confused looking Cam.

He took me to my room and made sure I was okay before he went backdown stairs to join the rest of the boys.

"Hey Lex it's time to wake up." a voice said shaking me slightly. opening my eyes I saw Hayes crouching down next to me.

"Whyyyyyyy?" I whined trying to pull the blanket over my face.

"Because we're about to start and Nash wants you down there." he explained pulling the blanket off.

"Nash? But I thought he was mad at me."

"Don't worry about it I talked to him just come on." he said grasping my wrist and almost running out the door.

The boys had just finished the first night of the event and now we're in Matt and Carter's room.

"Hey Lexi wanna go for a walk?" Carter asked.

"Sure" I said walking behind him as we left the room and then the hotel.

We found a little park that was completely empty, probably because it's 11:30 at night.

"Swings! Carter come push me" I excitedly squeaked running over to one and sitting down.

"Aw your like a little kid" he cooed coming up behind me and started pushing me.

"I can't help it, I just love swings" I said kicking my legs.

We stayed in silence for a whole as he pushed me. the only sounds being heard was the squeak of the chains.

"So Lexi there was a point to taking this walk. I was wondering if you um.. wanted to go on like a date with me?" he nervously asked scratching the back of his neck.

"I'd love too" I said smiling, "but we can't tell Nash I think he's still a little mad about the whole falling asleep accident that happened with you"

"Great um we could go to Dave and Busters like tomorrow after Magcon is that okay with you?"

"That's perfect"


I know this is a Cameron story but her and Carter is all part of the plot

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