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Cams POV

It's been about two weeks since that day at the restaurant and Lexi is still acting strange. She's shut herself up in our room with Ethan or is out doing god knows what. She's barley talked to any of us besides Matt for some reason and worst of all she has been eating less and less again. I'm scared she'll go back to go she was when we first met which is the last thing I want to happen.

Nash suggested that I should take her on a vacation for a couple of weeks with just the two of us to see if that'll help any. So right now we're sitting here trying got look for some places to go while she's out with Ethan, Matt and Carter.

"What about Bora Bora? You guys can get one of those little personal hut things?" Nash suggested, turning his laptop to face me.

I looked through the site and decided that this place would be perfect. We would be able to have our own private huts away from everyone and maybe with it just being the two of us Lexi will finally tell me what's been going on.

"Wait, what about Ethan though?" I asked, knowing that he's still too young to get on a plane.

"I can watch him," Nash spoke up, "it shouldn't be that hard right? You'll only be gone for two weeks."

"Are you sure you can handle him by yourself? Maybe we can call Hayes here and he can help you." I suggested so he would have to take care of the baby all by himself.

"Hayes can't he's busy with something for the next few weeks. But Matt and Cater can help me." He responded, as he read father into the information of they place we could be staying.

"Well I guess we're going then." I decided, taking the computer back from him.

I went and booked us the private hut for two weeks. Then switched over to flights and booked two first class tickets. We'll be leaving in three days and I know Lexi wouldn't turn this trip down. I remember her mentioning to me once how she always wanted to go there.

"Thank bro." I said before getting up and going into the kitchen. I wanted to make Lexi some lunch for when she got back hoping she'd eat it.

I got the ingredients out to make simple sandwiches for the two of us. I made sure to cut hers into triangles just how she liked it and heard the front door open. She walked into the kitchen with Ethan attached to her hip. She sent me a small smile before throwing her keys on the counter, suddenly Nash popped out of no where and took Ethan from her arms.

"Thank you." Was all he said before he walked right out the front door.

"Any clue where he just took our child?" I asked and she just lightly shook her head no before starting to walk away.

"Wait," I grabbed her arm before she could walk away," I wanna talk to you about something."

Sliding my hand down I inter-locked our fingers before guiding her over to the table where I had set the food out on.

"What do you wanna talk about?" She asked, taking the seat across from me.

"We are going on a vacation and Nash is going to watch Ethan." I excitedly told her before taking a bite out if my sandwich.

"And where exactly is that?" She asked, looking at me skeptically and not really seeming up to it.

"Bora Bora." I answered hoping that would change her mind.

And yeah that did the trick. Next thing I know she's across that table and on my lap hugging me.

"Thank you." She murmured into my neck before kissing it lightly and laying her head on my shoulder.

"It's no problem baby. I just thought you could use some time away from everyone." I replied wrapping my arms around her too.

"I have been kind of a bitch lately haven't I?"

"No babe, not a bitch just a bit off is all but we'll talk about that later okay? Now we should go start packing our plane leaves in three days." I replied, standing up and trying to put her down. But instead she stayed latched on to me.

"Carry me." She demanded, not letting go.

I just laughed before turning and walking into our bed room. Now this is the Lexi I know.


"Kill my child and I kill you." Lexi threatened her twin before turning towards me and reaching out for Ethan.

"Bye buddy daddy loves you." I leaned down to kiss his forehead before handing him over and grabbing our two suitcases.

"Bye bye baby I love you." Lexi hugged him and handed him over to her brother before turning towards me.

"Remember guys phones belong on the side tables!" Gilinsky yelled, he had joined us at the airport so he could drive while Nash sat in back with Ethan.

"Shut up!" Lexi yelled back, her cheeks turning pink. I on the other hand was laughing while remembering that oh so awkward incident.

We then walked up the the counter and showed the women our tickets before the flight attendant let us on the plane. We found our seats and Lexi immediately snuggled herself into my side.

"Go to sleep baby." I whispered down at her after the plane took off.

The whole plane ride mostly consisted of me watching whatever movie was playing on the screen in front of me and Lexi moving around in her sleep. But finally after several long hours we finally arrived. By then Lexi had already woken up and we got off the plane quickly before going and grabbing our luggage.

"I'm excited." She smiled up to me as we waiting for our car to get here.

"Me too." I answered back, grabbing the bags once again when I saw the car pull up.

These next two week are either going to be a lot of fun or complete hell.


Hola guys!

Just a little filler chapter

Sorry I've been MIA school has been killing me

But I hope you guys are up for a major plot twist it's one I know none of you guys will see coming

Also I'm so bad at time frames but it's been about a year from when they first met and they are all older now

Cam- 20
Lexi- 18
Matt- 19
Carter- 19
Hayes- 16

And so on you guys get the gist

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