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"Um who's house are we even staying at?" Cam asked as we got off the plane.

We had come back to North Carolina for a couple of days so Nash and I could visit the family. Right now we are waiting for my mom to come pick us up at the AirPort.

"Our moms but Chad'll be over later to visit." Nash answered for me.

We saw a silver mini can pull up with my mom and Hayes in the front and came to a stop. Just then the back door opened and Skylnn jumped out attacking all of us with hugs.

Cam picks our bags up and puts them in the trunk while I climb into the back and lay my head against the window. I could hear Hayes and Nash arguing over the front seat but I was just too tired to tell them off.

"Well don't you look comfortable." Cam mocked my position as he took the seat next to me.

"Shut up." I groaned, pulling the hood of my sweatshirt over my head.

"Come here." He instructed, pulling me into his lap allowing me to rest my head on his chest.

I soon managed to drift off to sleep even with my idiot brothers still fighting.

I woke up a while later in my bed but Cam wasn't next to me. Stretching out my arms and legs I went down stairs to see who was actually home. I found my whole family plus Cam sitting in the living room just talking and watching tv.

"Hello sweetie." My mom greeted me as I walked into the room.

"I missed you." I said pulling her into a hug.

I haven't really gotten to talk to her since they came to visit almost 2 months ago.

"I miss you too, want anything to drink?" she asked pulling away.

"Just a water please." I replied and took the seat between Nash and Cam.

I snuggled into Cameron's side still a little tired from the early morning flight. He put his arms around my shoulders and bent down to place a kiss on my head.

We heard a loud cough come from the couch across from us. Looking up I saw dad glaring at Cameron. I guess he's still not too happy about our situation.

"We're going out to dinner in about an hour if you wanna get ready." He announced.

I just nodded and grabbed Cams hand as I got up so he would follow me up to my room.

"Well he seemed happy to see me!" Cam sarcastically replied as we walked into the room.

"He'll get over once the babies here, now you mr stinky need a shower." I instructed scrunching up my nose.

"I do not smell!" He tried to defend but I just waved him off and walked into the closet where I put my suitcase.

I put on some yoga leggings and an old sweatshirt of Nash's and grabbed my gray vans. I brought them out to the room and changed and finished doing my hair just as Cameron stepped back into the room.

"Do you ever wear your own clothes?" He laughed well skipping on a clean shirt.

"Why would I do that when boys clothes are much more comfortable?" I mocked well slipping the vans on.

Cam grabbed my hand and lead us down stairs once I was done to join the rest of my family. We all piled into two cars and arrived to the restaurant in about 10 minutes. My mom called ahead and asked for a north near the back so no one would really bother us.

We were seated and I just ordered a water and some kind of chicken dish that Cameron also got.

"Lexi sweetie." My mom spoke up from across the table.

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