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(Y/N)=Your Name

You were extremely tired at school the next day.

The teacher had to keep calling your name so that you would pay attention.

"(Y/N)! Are you awake?" She would ask impatiently.

You would rub your eyes and reply "Yes, I'm paying attention." and a few people would giggle around the class.

You never really payed attention anyways.

You always thought that you were the kid that wanted to be out of school the most.

You hated being there.

Couldn't they teach you in a better way than sitting in a rooms all day?

"Pages 452, questions one to twelve. We will take them up tomorrow." Your teacher said, closing her book in front of her.

Great, homework!

The bell rung and you collected your things.

Lola and Jo walked straight to your desk.

"You were practically falling asleep!" Jo laughed.

"Yeah, I know." You groaned.

You were regretting what time you went to sleep last night.

"I can't believe we have homework." Lola rolled her eyes as all three of you walked out.

"Why? We always have homework from her." You questioned.

That teacher loved to make you work your butts off.

Lola shrugged.

"I wanted to say something."

Now you were rolling your eyes.

If anyone was stupid in your little group, it was definitely Lo.

You considered yourself the most annoying, and Jo was the romantic one.

"Hey guys." Your brunette friend, Suzanne, began walking beside you.

"Hey Suz." Jo said.

"Hey Jo, what's up? Did..." Her voice trailed off.

You were now in front of your locker.

There was a little bit of a crowd around it.

"Excuse me" You said, pushing your way through the people.

'It isn't open, is it?'

When you finally got through the crowd, you realized what everyone was staring at.

There were flowers all around your locker.

"Who's this from?" Jo asked, picking up a flower.

You really had no idea.

"I have no idea." You bent down and picked up a pink flower.

It looked hand picked, considering the stem was cut awkwardly.

"This is soo cute!" Lola gushed.

You blushed.

Whoever did this put a lot of thought into it.

You looked around.

There were no notes, no clues.

The crowd started to die down. The only people that were still around your locker were your friends and the people that wanted to know who it was.

Assuming that they wouldn't leave until you found out who did it, you unlocked your locker.

Before looking inside, you turned around to show everything that nothing was in there.

"See? Noth-" You got cut off by Jo shrieking.

"There's a card!" She squealed.

"What?" You looked in your locker.

Sure enough, there was a bouquet of an assortment of gorgeous flowers.

'How did they get in my locker?'

On top of the flowers was a small white card.

You picked it up and began reading to yourself.

'Hey (Y/N). I picked these for you. Some people got a little mad at me for taking them from their gardens... But when I told them they were for someone special, they didn't mind as much. Hopefully you will like them, it took a lot of work to get them to your locker.

"What does it say?" Jo hopped and peaked over your shoulder.

"It's just a thank you card." You lied.

You were too embarrassed to tell her the truth.

"Oh." Jo pouted and walked to her own locker. "That's no fun."

Your heart fluttered when you looked at the card again.


Who was JC?

Who's name started with J? Jo?

'J... Johnny? Johnnycake?'

You felt yourself go a light shade of pink.

It had to be from Johnny.

You thought it out in your head.

He must have gone to the office, asked for your locker, looked around for it, and found some way to put the flowers in.

You'd really have to thank Johnny, but first, you would have to make sure it was from him.

Flowers (Johnny X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now