Chapter One

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Jughead’s pov

 Walking into Riverdale High, with my headphones on and blasting Pink Floyd, mine and Jellybean’s favorite band. Just a normal day, everyone going to their lockers to get books and heading to class.

I take out my phone and change the song, I wasn't watching where I was going and I knocked into someone. The girl dropped all her  books. I bent down and helped her, when she looked at me I saw the bluest eyes I have ever seen.

“I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going,” the girl said, pushing a piece of black hair out of her face.

“No, it’s okay. Are you new? I haven't seen you around before,” I said giving the books back to her. I see one's a murder mystery, my kind of book.

“Yeah, I just moved here. My name is Violet Black, ” Violet said putting her hand out for me to shake.

“I'm Jughead, Jughead Jones,” I said shaking her hand. It's cold, like ice, or worse, Jason Blossom.

She gave me a humored look and then smiled at me, “Well I'll see you later Jughead, Jughead Jones,” Violet said and walked away. I could tell Violet and I are going to be great friends.

Violet’s pov

Oh my gosh that Jughead kid was super cute like, wow! I'm surprised he even talked to me! He seemed really nice, but he could be a total jerk. Let's hope for the first thing and not the other one. Walking into my math class I see there's only one seat left and it's by a redhead wearing a Riverdale football jacket.

“Is this seat taken?” I ask the redhead, he just stared at me with his mouth open. After few, awkward, seconds he snapped out of whatever he was in.

“Nope all yours,” he said, “I'm Archie by the way,” He stuck his hand out.

“Violet,” I said shaking his hand. The teacher came in and told us to be quiet.

When class was done I packed my bag and headed out. When I was walking to history class I heard someone shout my name out. I turned around and saw Archie running down the hall. I stopped and waited for him, slightly confused. “Hey, Violet, do you wanna sit with be at lunch with my friends? They're really cool.”

“Yeah I would like that.”

When lunch came around I saw Archie and went to his table. To my surprise I saw Jughead sitting there, too. There was a seat open right in the middle of them.

“Hey, Violet,” Both of them said at the same time

“Hey guys” I said sitting down two more girls came over and sat with us.

“Who's this?” The black haired one said. The pearls and fancy clothes reminded me of a raven haired princess. Or an enchantress.

“I'm Violet,” I said shaking her hand. She was beautiful, I'm not gay or anything, it's just the truth. She looks like that girl everyone wants to be, except for me of course. I don't care about my looks.

“Well, Violet, I'm Veronica Lodge and this is my bestie, Betty Cooper,” Betty waved and they sat down. Betty looks like a good girl, blonde hair tied back, and wearing pink. Why is it always pink?

We all talked and I gave my number to all of them, they doing the same. We all went to our classes.

The day ended and I went home.

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