Chapter Two

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Violet's pov
I wanted to do some research on Riverdale, see what secrets are hidden in this small town. So I went to the closest store near me, which was only a couple blocks away from my house. When I got in the store I went to the newspaper section. I grabbed newspaper from July 4, 2016 to this week. I went to the cashier and check all them out, the cashier gave me a weird look but I shrugged it off. When I got home I started to look through them and the first one caught my eye. It said:

Riverdale's Weekly Express

Top Story: Jason Blossoms Death; Article by Alice Cooper

Two days ago on July fourth, Jason Blossom, son of Clifford and Penelope Blossom, drowned at Sweetwater River. The police have been looking for two days for Jason's body, and to no avail Cheryl Blossom, Jason's twin sister, was with him when he drowned. "We were going on a morning boat ride and I dropped my glove into the river. Jason went to grab it and the boat toppled over. I tried to save Jason but I couldn't find him anywhere. I thought he might've reached the other side as I swam to shore. I just sat on a rock and cried. I was wet, cold,and shaking all over from my sobs and the freezing water. I stared into the water trying to comprehend what had just happened. I just lost my twin brother, my soulmate some might even say, and I couldn't move. Rain was pouring down on me and salty tears were falling out of my eyes. 'Where did he go?' I kept thinking, even though I knew where he went." After she gave her story she started crying and ran out. When we get some more on Jason's, sad, sad death, we will update you as soon as possible.

Wow I was so shocked of what I just read. I kept reading through them and one that was made a week ago said that Jason Blossom was actually murder and he didn't drown. There was a bullet hole right in the middle of his forehead. I looked at all the newspaper to see if they have found out who killed Jason Blossom, but none of them said anything. I guess it's time for me to gather a gang to find out who murdered Jason Blossom. But wait, if he was killed, does that mean Cheryl was lying?

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