i'm a flippin' queen.

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"Right, so let me get this straight, we were chosen, generations ago to help defeat an evil organization hell bent on destroying the modern world and everything we hold dear?" Amy summarized.

"Yes Queen Aine, your selection was very selective I assure you." Merlin confirmed with a slight smirk at the pun.

"Okay, can you explain a little more about the weird things happening to us though?" Quinn asked.

"Yes, yes of course. For many many years we have used alchemy, the practice of magic and science, to awaken the powers of the god's whose namesake's you bear. There have been others before you. We made sure you inhaled walnut herbs through the steam we infused into the air underground. Walnut herbs help to stimulate divine energy and access latent power. They have been used over many generations as a powerful magical ingredient. Then we immersed you in  water of yew, sow thistle and ragwort."

"I think by 'immersed', you mean you drowned us" Amy stated matter-of-factly, arms crossed, looking every bit as pissed off as she sounded. 

"Well yes, but the herbs in the water were meant to bring you back to life once your powers were subconsciously unlocked. We were most certainly not trying to kill you, my Queen" Merlin replied her evenly, bowing his head slightly when he referred to her as "my Queen"

She rolled her eyes at him.

"Over time." he continued undaunted, "you will discover your capabilities and learn how to control them better. For now, you have the information collected by your adviser that can help you to navigate the training process"

"I'm guessing by adviser you mean good old Dylan over here?" I said gesturing to my friend.

"Yes, by adviser I am referring to druid master Dylan. He will be able to provide you with anything that you need to know concerning your history and your purpose."

"Oh wonderful. My purpose is his hands now. Just great" Amy commented rolling her eyes again.

"From the tone of your voice, I take it you are not pleased by that particular bit of information, but I can assure my fellow Queen, that the druid master is more than capable of taking care of you. Merlin here has not failed me a day in his life." Lady Maev replied with her usual cold tone and amused expression.

Amy nodded somewhat disbelievingly, but didn't make any further comment.

"Right, well, we must start training immediately. We do not have much time to waste. While we do not know where exactly the enemy will strike, our intelligence tells us that there is something brewing and scheduled for the coming weeks. It will not be long, and we cannot be taken by surprise." Merlin continued.

He then reached under the table and pulled out a large wicker basket. From it, he produced a series of small pouches and boxes. The pouches were made out of a satin like material and looked old but expensive. The boxes looked like ring boxes and they were made of a velvet like material.

The first pouch contained a green gemstone on a raw silver chain that he handed over to Dylan.

"Druid, your stone. It will help you to channel your power and absorb the green glow that signals the presence of it." 

Dylan accepted the chain solemnly and proceed to put it on without hesitation.

Mine was next, a rough cut blood red gemstone also on a raw silver chain. Quinn's was  a rough cut diamond, and Amy's was a nugget of raw gold.

"I should probably inform you now that those chains cannot be removed once donned. They are linked to your identity as much as your powers are. They will give you control and help you to focus and channel your power easier." Merlin said putting the pouches back into his mystery wicker basket.

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