dude, you're glowing.

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Every part of my body ached, and I felt nauseous and slightly woozy. I sat there in my soaking wet clothes, and tried to figure out what had just happened. 

Unfortunately, I remembered all to quickly what had happened the night before and I felt even more woozy. I think I had drowned, but then I had turned into a blazing human torch and then I was in my bed. None of which made any sense.

But before I even tried to figure anything out, I needed to take a shower and get some dry clothes on. I undressed and stood in front of my mirror trying to see if there was anything different about me. Nope, nada. Same old flaming red hair, freckles and average body. There was a bit of flame-orange in my usually just plain green eyes. I chose to attribute that to lack of sleep and an overactive imagination, then I got into the shower and turned it on to the hottest temperature.

This time my phone rang at least six times while I was in the shower, and I didn't even bother to try and get it on the seventh ring when I was out the shower. I knew it was going to be one of three people. Quinn, Amy, or Dylan, and to be honest, I didn't really want to speak to them.

It felt like speaking to them would make the whole nightmare real. Like if I just ignored them, maybe it would all go away and I could go on living a mundane university student life that would turn into an even more mundane adult life, if I was lucky. Enough adventures for me.

Which reminded me, it was supposed to be a school day today, and I was probably late again. I hurried around my loft, trying to find my backpack and get all my school books in there. Of course, I found every book but my Physics book, just great. I scanned my loft trying to figure out where I could have left it. All of a sudden, my vision blurred and then cleared and changed to red tones.

It was so startling that for a moment I didn't realize that I was looking at my place in enhanced night vision with every nook and cranny visible in the most unbelievable detail. I noticed a few pennies under my bed and a pile of dust in the corner by the closet. I needed to get rid of that some time. I also found my Physics book, under a pile of very very dirty clothes. Okay, so my place was kind of gross, but in my defense, I had too many deadlines to keep up with normal life. Unless of course it included exploring underground military bunkers in the middle of the night.

I shook my head and my vision cleared and went back to normal. I didn't question it too much because I was late, and also to be honest, I didn't really want to think about it. I rummaged through my dirty laundry and threw the book into my backpack, then I grabbed my keys, and my phone which was now beeping incessantly as it notified me of the many many messages I was receiving from Q right then.

I made it to the door and just when I reached for the knob, the door flew open and smacked me square in the face. I yelped, yes I know very embarrassing, then doubled over. It was a reflex reaction, something you do when your body is expecting pain. There was no pain though.

"Dude, I know that didn't hurt." Q stated dryly, then he walked past me and into my loft. Amy and Dylan followed with coffee and what looked like bagels.

I stood up bewildered and rubbed my face just to make sure nothing was broken, then I turned around and glared at the trio that had just invaded my living space.

"Knock much?" I said grumpily, shutting the door and dropping my backpack, I had just resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going anywhere today.

"I would if you had answered your phone the first ten times we called you or the like billion other times we texted. We thought you were dead or something." my best friend stated blankly.

"Well for someone who was so worried about me being dead, you're sure as heck not concerned about possibly knocking me out with a door."

"Yeah, sorry about that"

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