guardians and bravery.

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"I cannot believe that I'm going to miss classes tomorrow. I have a test! I hope I don't get failed for that class, I need to stay on the lacrosse team" Dylan was rambling on about whatever came to his mind as we waited for something to happen.

We had been sitting on the cold metal floor for what seemed like hours. Quinn had come back to his senses and was looking more and more upset as time went by. Amy was decidedly beyond caring, she had stopped yelling at Dylan for being...well....Dylan, and was now just sat there, trying to figure out a way to make her phone work. The network had cut off when the door closed. 

I wasn't entirely sure how I was feeling, but something along the lines of very very angry and frightened was about right. To be fair, I was the one who'd asked Dylan if he wanted to go out, I really should have known better. It was too late now though, we were stuck in some underground metal death trap awaiting "further instructions" from a computer screen.

The steam had evaporated so at least the burning sensation behind my eyes and at the back of my throat was gone. The lights were still red though and that damn door was still closed.

"I'm sorry." Dylan's voice cut through my observations. I looked over at him slouched on the floor eyes wet, hands shaking. 

He continued, "I just thought we wouldn't find anything you know. Coz we never do. But then when we did I didn't even think that it could be dangerous. I'm really sorry guys. I messed up big time." He finished off in a small whisper. He looked so broken and guilty in the dim red light and I couldn't help but feel a shot of compassion for him. 

So I whispered back, "Nah dude, I called you, I walked into this place willingly. Whatever happens, we're in this together."

Dylan's eyes slowly lifted up to look at me and I could see the relief in them. I smiled back reassuringly and nodded at him. 

Quinn, sitting next me, cleared his throat loudly, "I don't really know why we're whispering. But H is right, we're in this together now. So, as much as I'd like to punch someone right now, it won't be you" he said grinning widely at Dylan.

"Gee thanks," Dylan chuckled nervously, before glancing at Amy who was watching our exchange quietly.

"I'm not going to kill you Humphrey, but I'm not your biggest fan right now, so I'm going to skip out on the kumbaya moment if no one minds" she said slowly and carefully.

Dylan gulped but nodded understandingly and looked back down at the floor.

Just then the lights switched from red to emerald green and the laptop made a loud beeping sound. We all jumped up and immediately crowded around the metal table.

The screen was black once again, with a new message in white block letters. It kind of felt like someone was virtually yelling at us. It was a military bunker after all. 


Then the message disappeared and the laptop's webcam turned on, the little red light flashing rapidly.

Right, well that was super helpful and all. I sighed resignedly. "Alright, process of elimination everybody. I'll start." I said, leaving no room for discussion. I moved myself directly into the range of the camera, and found myself staring into my nostrils. Rather inelegant, but hey, nobody said anything about looking good while doing it.

The screen flashed black and a red crossed came up onto the screen. Okay, so it was not me, what a relief. I moved away and looked at Quinn expectantly. He looked at me like I'd lost my mind, glanced warily at the laptop and sighed loudly. 

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