7. Hotel Rooms

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After they had been driving for about an hour or two, they had left Sydney and were heading to the next destination of the tour (Perth). It was quite a tight squeeze in the tour bus though, and although the group of teenagers (well, most of them) were in the same space as two of their lifetime idols, they could only take so much of each other. "Oi I will strangle you you mother-" "OKAY... time to seperate you two" Jasmine said as she dragged Toby away from where Alice was, looking extremely murderous in his direction. James just looked bored while he sat on the couch, looking down at his phone. Josh and Tyler had retreated to the driver's cabin where they had decided to have a moment of peace from the uncontrollable group of mutant teenagers outside. "Hey guys, you wanna stop by for the night?" Mark said to the pair sitting next to him in the passenger seat. "Yeah, plus Natasha's looking a bit claustrophobic" Tyler said, looking back at the silent red head. She was sat away from everyone closest to the door and was looking out the window, pawing at it like an animal.

After a few, long hours the group of mostly teenagers arrived at the hotel that Tyler and Josh were meant to stay at. Obviously booking two more rooms for the teens. The agonising trip left the group exhausted. Natasha ran into her room and completely belly flopped onto the neatly made single bed. Jasmine chuckled at her friend "did that even hurt? " she asked once finishing laughing. " Nope" Natasha replied back with her own chuckle. Jasmine just shook her head, chuckling as Alice entered the room. The girls (Alice, Jasmine, and Natasha) all shared a room, whilst the boys (James, and Toby) shared their own room, and Tyler, Josh and Mark had the other room. "What are you guys doing? " Alice asked her two friends.
"I'm not doing much, but Tash on the other hand...looks like she's dead." Jasmine replied back whilst crossing her arms and pointing her thumb at her friend that's completely spread out like a starfish on her bed.
All tree girls started laughing and got ready for a nap. But just before everyone went to sleep Jasmine turned over in her bed to look at Alice and Natasha and started quietly giggling. " What so funny?" Alice asked her friend, a bit concerned for her friends health. "Oh nothing, just that we need to get some clothes or else we'll be really stinky, like really stinky." Jasmine answered her concerned friend, giggling. They all started giggling before they all started to sleep.


The two shadowed figures stood in the parking lot where the tour bus had stood only hours before, looking at the dented car in front of them. "They're gone." One of them said to the other. "No shit sherlock." The other said. The first one kicked the second one. "Ow! Ok, geez. Where did they go though? They can't turn invisible." The second grunted in agreement. A small ping from their pockets alerted them. "New location" The first one said. A third person stepped from the shadows. "You ready to go?" They asked. "Remind me again why you picked us two out of all your agents?" The second one asked. "Simple. You are the two best suited for the job." The third agent replied. "Those are 5 teen alters and 2 adult ones. We're no match for them." The first agent said. " Yes you are. All those alters are defected. Their powers won't work properly, unlike your own. Once you've hunted them down, you could capture them all in an instant. It'll be a piece of cake. And then you'll have a few more friends to play world domination with." The third agent said, and with silent nods they all faded back into the shadows.


Tyer and Josh were playing their show whilst the group of teenagers stayed at the hotel. Making sure that Tyler and Josh airn't seen with the same bunch of kids wherever they go.
"So what are we gonna do?" James asked the group, bored. "I don't know, there's nothing much to do at a hotel. Trust me, I've been in heaps." Jasmine answered him, with bit of a dramatic tone. They had all decided to go to Jasmine, Natasha, and Alice's hotel room to hang out. "Really Jazz?" Alice asked. " Well she's only being honest. " chuckled Natasha. " But there has to be something. " James stated to Natasha, Alice agreeing. "Ok, well if there is something name it, because I'm really bored, and I don't know about you but if we can't do anything, I might just destroy something. " Toby joined the conversation, in a very sarcastic, and dramatic way. "Ha. Ha Toby, if you want to do something I could just knock ya out with that lamp over there." Alice replied pointing at and walking towards the lamp located across the room. Toby just looked horrified "Well you better not or I'll-"  Whilst the group started arguing about what to do and how they could possibly hurt each other (even if they hsd a pen) Jasmine left to look at at the view from the balcony that was connected to their hotel room. As Jasmine went to lean against the balcony she saw two shadowed figures. She was about to try to get a better look at the figures...BANG!
" WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" Jasmine yelled as she entered the room seeing Natasha behind a couch, James in the corner of the room, and a stand off between Alice and Toby, with a lamp acroos the ground behind the male. Fortunately not shattered to pieces. "She started it all!" Toby yelled as soon as Jasmine asked the question. Alice just scoffed at him and crossed her arms. " You know, when you point a finger at someone four fingers are pointing back at you right? " Jasmine replied crossing her arms and standing theee smugly. Alice just laughed, but stopped when she saw the death stare that was given to her by Jasmine. " Ok now I think that enough fun for one day and that we should all go back to our rightful rooms" Jasmine declared whilst clapping her hands in front of her. Alice and Toby groaned whilst Natasha and James cleared, glad to not be any conflict between the two teens that just hate each others guts intensely. Whilst the two boys when back to their room and Alice and Natasha were in deep conversation (probably about some sort of fandom) Jasmine thought back to the two mysterious figures she saw moments before. Shrugging her shoulders, she'll tell Josh and Tyler about it when they get back.

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