5. Run Away

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Natasha's mum was in the kitchen preparing dinner when she heard a yell. "MUM!!!" it instantly caught her attention. She ran to the living room where she saw a dog pinning her son Andrew to the ground, and James hiding behind the wall. She knew what was happening here. In a way, Natasha's mum hoped it would never happen, but unfortunately, it did. Before she knew it Natasha was out the door running. There was no way to catch up to her, so Natasha's mum knelt down beside Andrew to check on him. When she knew he was okay, she put him in bed and picked up her phone.


Jasmine's mum got home from picking the kids up from school. Jasmine was already home due to the fact she's in high school now. Whenever she gets home she's in her room either studying or listening to music. As per usual she's in her room again. Jasmine's mum thought that if she had a lock on that door, Jasmine would lock it 24/7. She only comes out when its dinner time. As the younger two were doing homework Jasmine's mum went into the lounge room. She started to watch a show when her phone went off. It was Natasha's mum.

Natasha's been activated The text read.

And why are you telling me this? Jasmine's mum replied.

Because she ran away Natasha's mum quickly answered.

What do you want me to do? Jasmine's mum was quick to answer. She knew she couldn't let them down just by one girl escaping.

After a few seconds, there was a reply. I believe that she might go to your place because of Jasmine. When they're both where you need to bring them in. I've already told the others so don't worry, your job
is to just bring Jasmine and Natasha in, we can't let them escape

Got it Jasmine's mum answered simply, and went downstairs to get the car keys and to check on the other two kids.


Jasmine and Natasha were in Jasmine's room, and fortunately, no came up to disturb Jasmine. Natasha luckily had turned back to her normal self after being a dog. Somehow all of Natasha's clothing and any belongings weren't ripped or scatted back at Natasha's home. Meaning Natasha still had her phone on her. Both were confused on how that was possible but decided that they would figure that out later. "I don't know what happened Jasmine, one moment I was human and was about to attack my brother, and the next I was a dog," Natasha said whilst she sat on Jasmine's bed and Jasmine was sitting on her chair. "Look, Tash, I don't know much about the powers but this is obviously yours," Jasmine answered Natasha like it was a matter of fact. "Well thanks, that really helps" Natasha retorted. Jasmine only chuckled, being careful not to be too loud."Hey, Tash wait here I'll go down and get something to eat." Jasmine suddenly stated in a quiet tone. "Ok, but just so you now I want Oreos," Natasha replied chuckling quietly at herself.

As Jasmine went downstair she heard her mum's phone go off. Like Jasmine always does she decided to check who it was from. When Jasmine picked up her mum's phone she realised it was a text from Natasha's mum.
Good, we need to bring them in. Jasmine instantly was curious and read the previous texts. After she read the texts Jasmine put her mum's phone back down and ran back upstairs. "Hey, Jasmine did you...hey what happened?" Natasha was concerned, when she realised Jasmine didn't have the food and was packing. Jasmine had grabbed her school bag and started throwing clothing, a laptop, her phone charger, her MCR The Black Parade/Living With Ghosts album, and any other band merchandise into her bag. After Jasmine had packed she finally answered the panicking Natasha. "Tash we have to go now, our mums were talking and they want to take us somewhere, and wherever it is it's not gone. Tash the know about the powers."

"How!?" Natasha nearly yelled before she remembered that she needs to be quiet. "Look I don't know but they know something, they kept on going on about how they can not let us escape and stuff," Jasmine replied. "Well even if we get out what next?" Natasha asked a good question Jasmine hadn't even thought of. Jasmine stood there for a moment thinking until she thought of something. "Well, first we need to get the others then call Tyler or Josh." Jasmine shared her plan with Natasha, whilst Natasha just nodded in agreement.

As the two were discussing their plan they heard the garage open, signifying that Jasmine's dad arrived home from work. When Jasmine's dad had gone downstairs with Jasmine's mum, the two started their plan. Raquel through on her bag grabbed a jacket and ushered Natasha out of the room. They ran to the garage, where the door is still open. Jasmine grabbed the keys and through them to Natasha. They jumped into the small Kia with Natasha driving and Jasmine in the passenger side. Natasha started the engine and Jasmine's mum and dad came running to see what's happening but it was too late. Jasmine and Natasha had already left.


Alice, James, and Toby were in the shops together looking for music. Alice looking for All Time Low, James looking at Adele, and Toby just annoying Alice to the point of her wanting to kill him. For the most part, James was there to make sure that Alice didn't kill Toby. "I swear to god Toby if you don't stop I will kill you," Alice said in a tone in which you can feel her annoyance. "Well you're the one that told him we were going to the shops after school Alice, you should have just stayed quiet and he wouldn't be here," James stated to Alice. "Now that's just mean" Toby pouted. "Well, I'm sorry you can't handle the truth," Alice remarked. Then at that moment, they all got a text from their parents telling them to come home. "Hey guys I've gotta go," James said as looked back up at the small group. "That's funny I have to too," Alice stated. Toby just looked at them in confusion, "What?" James asked. "Well I got a text to saying I have to go home too" Toby replied. "That can't be an inconvenience can it?" Alice asked. "Well, ma..." James was interrupted by Alice's phone getting another text. "What does it say?" Toby asked. "It's from Jasmine...she says that we can't go home and that she's coming to pick us up?" Alice replied. "Well, what does that mean?" James asked. "I don't know, but it's Jasmine so it must be important," Alice said, in a confused tone.

About 15 minutes later Jasmine and Natasha arrived at the shops. "Alice!" Jasmine shouted out to Alice when she saw them. "Jasmine? what's going on?" Alice asked Jasmine when she got closer. "What's James and Toby doing here?" Natasha asked Alice. "Well, I thought you meant them too because they got texts from their parents too, at the same time as me and everything" Alice replied. "I guess they came come too because their parents must know something too," Jasmine said as she turned around about to leave and ushering them to come with. "What do you mean? What's happening?" Toby asked. "We'll tell you later, but for now I found my power, kind of and our parents know something about it, and they don't want us to 'escape' so yea you with us or not?" Natasha replied. "Okay I'm coming but how did you get here? Like if your parents won't drive you or you don't want them to?" Alice asked. "We drove, well Tash did but yea" Jasmine replied. "What!? guys, we're only in year 9! How's that possible?" James almost yelled. "Look we need to go, and then we can call Tyler or Josh because I think they haven't left yet" Jasmine snapped back at them because she has had enough of this. The group all looked at Jasmine and nodded, with Natasha standing next to Jasmine.


Josh and Tyler were getting ready to leave for the next concert when Tyler's phone started to go off. "Who is it?" Josh asked. "It's Jasmine?" Tyler asked in a confused tone and picked it up. "Hello?" Tyler asked. "Tyler we need your help, please tell me you haven't left yet," Jasmine said the other side of the line said. "No, we haven't what do you need?" Tyler replied. "Well we found Tash's power and there's a group of us that needs help. Is it ok if you can take us with you or at least meet up with us? So we can talk and stuff?" Jasmine asked. "That's fine just tell us where you are" Tyler answered. Jasmine told them where they were and they both said bye before they hung up. "What is it Tyler?" Josh asked. "They need our help Josh, plus Natasha found her power," Tyler explained to Josh whilst he grabbed a jacket.

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