Chapter 5: Whoo-sah

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Hayden's POV


Whooo- sah


Whoops, I broke a mug.

Gods I had to release some steam. I picked up my cell again and dialled my best friend Plank. No kidding his name really was Plank. 

''Hey Plank, y'all got a show tonight? Might come in, need to let off some steam''

''Hayden baby, you know we're always happy to have you. You wanna talk about it?''

''Nah, I'll manage; See you later Plank, save me a slot!''

I got my go-to medical bag, which the guys called my wizard pouch, and set out the outfit I wanted to wear.

I got my go-to medical bag, which the guys called my wizard pouch, and set out the outfit I wanted to wear

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(Similar to this outfit)

After a quick shower, I was ready to roll. I tossed my phone onto my couch and locked the door behind me. I got into my second-hand Bug and headed towards my first home.

The place where I first discovered myself.


It was dirty, sleazy and bloody but it was where I found solace. As a rejected and lonely teenager, I'd stumbled upon this place. Plank and his father,Rob, who owned the place gave me solace from the punishments I'd receive at home. I started off in the ring getting tossed on my arse every other second but I'd learnt to fight back. It was my way of gaining control in my life and my parents would write off my wounds as their own doings so they were kept in the dark on my little pleasures.

Eventually, Rob found that I had a knack for patching up his fighters. Using yourself as the guinea pig made sure you made no mistakes in patching yourself up. 

I was the designated medic whenever I was there but I always squeezed in a few matches so that I wouldn't get rusty.

I got to keep my earnings plus the small fee Rob pays me for saving his men a trip to the hospital where unwanted questions would be asked.

I found a snug little space for my Bug and slid into the club whose entrance was hidden away in a little enclave shrouded in shadows.

I breathed the metallic scent of blood and sweat and I felt the tension sliding out of me immediately.

I was grabbed by Plank who looked pleased to see me. Plank was cute, in a boyish sort of way. Deep hazel eyes, blond hair, pushing 6 feet.

''Hades, baby, we got some for you in back. one looks pretty baad man. Looking cute today, impressing anyone?''

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